Dvalin, Erstwhile King of the Skies, is a gigantic dragon-like creature also considered one of the Four Winds of Mondstadt in Genshin Impact. The destruction and chaos caused after he was corrupted by the Abyss Order made him known as “Stormterror” who can now be challenged as a Weekly Boss.

Where to find Stormterror Dvalin?
To Unlock the Weekly Boss challenge, you must first complete the quest “Calm before the storm.” (Part of the Mondstadt Archon quest) and also be at least Adventure Rank 25. Once you are done with the quest, a new Trounce Domain should appear on the map in the middle of “Storm Terror’s Lair.”

Best Party Setup to beat Stormterror Dvalin
When confronting Stormterror, you are always in range of its attacks as you get transported to a different area once you enter the domain. Using a ranged bow user is in the player’s best interests, as the boss is flying far from you and always has a shield up. The shield, however, can also be broken using melee attacks while he is using an attack that brings it near the player. Hence the following teams should be most useful:
- Ganyu
- Xiangling
- Bennet
- Zhongli/Mona
Here, use Mona’s ATK buff to boost Ganyu’s attack to deal with Storm Terror faster.
- Xiao
- Kazuha/Sucrose
- Fischl/Yae Miko
- Diona/Kokomi
In this team, Diona can quickly break Stormterror’s shield, and Xiao can quickly jump on top of its head to maximize damage during his burst.
- Yoimiya
- Xingqiu
- Bennet
- Kazuha/Sucrose

Stormterror Dvalin Statistics
Element | Resistance |
Physical | 10% |
Pyro | 10% |
Hydro | 10% |
Electro | 10% |
Cryo | 10% |
Dendro | 10% |
Anemo | 10% |
Geo | 10% |
- HP ranges from 656 – 330,886 from Level 1 – 100.
- ATK ranges from 152 – 14,773 from Level 1 – 100.
- DEF ranges from 505 – 1,000 from Level 1 – 100.
Note: These stats vary in Co-op mode and certain domains.
Stormterror Dvalin Attack Pattern
Dvalin being a dragon, utilizes most of his attacks from far away, and the domain itself is a major advantage for him to fly around freely. However, the boss doesn’t rely on physical strength only; he also unleashes magical abilities like Dragon Breath and different Bombs.
Fly-By attack
Flies away and disappears from the player’s view and swoops through the center of the platform where the player is standing. This attack deals 100% ATK as Physical DMG.

Dragon Breath
He lands with his face on the platform, either right or left, charges up, and unleashes a powerful blast from his breath while slowly moving in the other direction dealing 50% ATK as Anemo DMG.

Swings its head quickly toward the player that deals 100% ATK as Physical DMG.

Pulse Bombs
Charges up and shoots two pairs of Pulse Bombs toward the player, exploding upon impact and dealing 50% ATK as Anemo DMG.

Caelestinum Finale Termini
Dvalin utilizes this attack usually after its Pulse Bombs. The platforms they hit are affected by Dvalin’s Anemo power and deal constant Anemo Damage to the player. He uses this ability three times after the player changes platforms.

Omega Bomb
Dives downwards and then appears on the other side of the arena. He then begins charging to release a gigantic bomb toward the player’s platform, which deals 200% ATK as Physical DMG on impact.

Energy Lightning
Swirls around for a few seconds before stopping causing lightning pulses everywhere in the arena. This lightning deals 50% ATK as Anemo DMG.
Note: This attack is only used 2 minutes after activating Caelestinum Finale Termini.

How to beat Stormterror Dvalin Easily?
Once everything is finalized, the player will be teleported to an arena where Stormterror Dvalin appears in the center with two health bars, the red one is his standard health bar, and the second white one is his shield bar.
Dvalin’s prioritized attack is the Fly-by which is easily avoidable with a timed dash, i.e., a dash I-frame, or simply moving to the side of the platform as the attack only damages the player near the center. This attack will be followed by either Bite or a Dragon Breath attack. After both of them, it leaves itself open to attacks by the player. This is a chance to break its shield using auto attacks, plunge attacks, or abilities.
Once the shield is down, he will collapse onto the player’s platform and will be paralyzed for approximately 15-20 seconds, giving the player a chance to attack the purple stone (weak point). He will fly back up with another shield after regaining consciousness, followed by a Pulse Bomb. You must change to a safe platform now that will not damage you constantly while trying to destroy the dragon’s shield. Rinse and repeat this calm strategy until Dvalin bites the dust.
Note: Remember that if you fall off the edge of any platform, your team will all lose 10% HP, and you will lose all your energy.

Expected Rewards
To claim the rewards, the player must have 30 Original Resin if they defeated it as part of the first three bosses of the week. If not, then 60 Original Resin is required. Most drops below vary according to the Boss and World Level of the Player.

Character Ascension Material
- Dvalin’s Plume (1 – 3)
- Dvalin’s Claw (1 – 3)
- Dvalin’s Sigh (1 – 3)
- Vayuda Turquoise Sliver
- Vayuda Turquoise Fragment
- Vayuda Turquoise Chunk
- Vayuda Turquoise Gemstone
- Vajrada Amethyst Sliver
- Vajrada Amethyst Fragment
- Vajrada Amethyst Chunk
- Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone
- Varunada Lazurite Sliver
- Varunada Lazurite Fragment
- Varunada Lazurite Chunk
- Varunada Lazurite Gemstone
Note: Dvalin’s Plume, Claw, and Sigh have a 55% chance of being 2 and a 10% chance of being 3 in number.
Artifact Sets
- Berserker (3* – 4*)
- Instructor (3* – 4*)
- The Exile (3* – 4*)
- Gladiator’s Finale (4* – 5*)
- Wanderer’s Troupe (4* – 5*)
Other Drops
- Dream Solvent (33% Chance)
- 300 Adventure EXP
- 6,375 – 8,100 Mora
- 288 – 400 Character EXP
- 55 – 70 Companionship EXP
- Northlander Sword Billet
- Northlander Claymore Billet
- Northlander Polearm Billet
- Northlander Bow Billet
- Northlander Catalyst Billet