Tooki Corporation is an island, the headquarters of the creatures called Tooki. Tooki Island is conquered by these creatures, and they also have a king commonly known as Tooki King. Everyone here has a fierce desire and cutthroat competition to be the best. An island where every Tooki lives and dies for glittering treasures. These creatures also randomly appear as treasure hunters in hidden rooms of Chaos Dungeons and Breezesome Brae of Rohendel in Lost Ark.

Tooki Corporation Island Location
Tooki Corporation Island is located directly east of Feiton and north of Rohendel. Sail from Nameless Valley (Feiton’s Port) to arrive here quickly.

- Admission Period: Always Open
- Item Level Reached: 960
- Access beyond the Wall of Procyon
- Make sure to get an excellent durable ship to cross through Dead Waters (Level 4) to reach this island. The alternate way here will be much safer but will take a chunk of your time.
How to get Tooki Corporation Island Soul (Token)?
Tooki Corporation Island Soul is a reward for completing the final quest on the island called “A Genuine Single-Digit Tooki.” Achieving this milestone requires four days of hard grinding and lots of tasks while disguised as a Tooki. However, an essential quest item, “Tookicalibur,” is also mandatory while progressing with the quest, and there are only two ways to acquire it:
- You must rank top three in the leaderboard of the cooperative quest “Twinkle Twinkle, Gather Notes,” which starts after every hour. The objective is to pick up randomly spawning Treasure Notes in the marked area of the island (as a Tooki) and collect the most out of other players to win.
- It can be obtained as an RNG drop for defeating Tooki King on Tooki Island.

Tooki Corporation Main Questline
There are two questline interlinked with each other. One is the main, which progresses to “Cradle of Sea Fermata,” while the other leads you to acquire the Island Soul.

Tooki Treasure Island
Interact with the Treasure Chest Pushed by the Tide, which is found just beside the entrance. It will lead to Tooki 838, standing near the treasure. Pick up the memory image he will drop while running and follow him afterward. Give the image back to him, and it will finish the quest.
- Pirate Coin x500
- Silver x2,300

Corporation Infiltration
This quest is given by Jingle Chest, which exchanges Tooki Transformation Coins (Mandatory for Quests) for Silver x5000 and various other items. Progressing with this task will guide how to use the Tooki Transformation and infiltrate the corporation. Once you enter the place, talk with Tooki 77 and Tooki 838, standing along the pathway to complete the quest.
- Legendary – Uncommon Card Pack
- Silver x1,800

Grand Tooki Dreams
Check the Tooki Tooki Number Board to trigger this quest. Interact with Tooka (Tooki 838) and get promotion tips from two-digits Tookies. Try to find and talk with Single Digit Tooki afterward. Register in Tooki Tooki Promotion Board to conclude this quest.
- High Seas Coin Chest x2
- Silver x1,800

Tooki Treasure Retrieval
After registering on Tooki Tooki Promotion Board, Conversate with Tooki Examiner to proceed with the quest. He will guide you about the two abilities that come with the transformation:
- Swish: Increases movement speed.
- Critical Situation: Activates barrier that blocks one attack.
The test will be about surviving the fence full of aggressive birds for about 15 seconds. It is pretty straightforward; do not stop at any point and avoid the damage radius as soon as it appears; the barrier can also be used if the timing is missed. Once done with it, return to the Examiner to finish this quest.
- High Seas Coin Chest x3
- Pirate Coin x1,000
- Silver x2,300

Twinkle Twinkle Corporation
Tooki 77 will offer this quest to help learn about the life of a Tooki in the corporation. Pick up the shiny object nearby and put it in the twinkle twinkle pouch to conclude this quest.
- Legendary – Uncommon Card Pack x2
- Silver x1,800

Promotion Peril
This is the first part of the roster quest chain given by the same Tooki Examiner. The objective will be to find and talk with Tooka. After talking with him, you must move to the outskirts of Tooki Corporation, which results in the quest’s completion.
- Epic Rapport Chest
- Silver x1,800

Good to See You
This is the second and final part of the roster quest chain given by the same treasure located at the entrance of Tooki Corporation. It requires infiltrating the corporation again and checking the test results you gave for Tooka.
- High Seas Coin Chest x3
- Pirate Coin x1,000
- Silver x2,300

Promotion: Impossible
Proceeding with the story, talk with Tooka again about the slight increase in rank. Speak with the Examiner afterward and tell him about the issue. He will recommend traveling to Cradle of the Sea Fermata. Leave the island and sail toward the Fermata for the next part of the quest chain.
- Epic Rapport Chest
- Silver x1,800

Find the Fermata’s Twinkle (Cradle of the Sea Fermata)
Once you arrive in the Fermata, talk with the Dock Manager and go to the storage room, where Tooka is shaking with fear. After conversating with him, you will find an old chest nearby which will complete the quest when you touch it.
- Uncommon Battle Engraving Recipe Selection Pouch x3
- Pirate Coin x2,500
- Silver x11,000

Tooki Tooki Discovery (Cradle of the Sea Fermata)
When unable to open the old chest, Tooka recommends transforming into Tooki and finding the key first. It will be located in the upper left room under the barrel; use it to open the chest and complete the mission.
- High Seas Coin Chest x2
- Silver x2,300

Note: The quests after this one will only appear the next day after the daily server reset, except for the final one.
A Long Trip Deserves a Big Reward
Return to Tooki Corporation and interact with the treasure to start this quest. Find Tooka in the corporation and ask what rank he managed to reach. To achieve an even higher position, steal from Tooki Corporation’s Jar and replace chests that other Tookies arranged. Deliver all the twinkles to Tooka (Tooki 38) to finish the quest.
- Epic Rapport Chest
- Silver x2,300

Single Digits or Bust
Check the promotion board and speak with the Tooki Examiner again. This quest requires passing the same test as in the “Tooki Treasure Retrieval,” the only change is that the survival time limit has increased to 20 seconds.
- Legendary – Uncommon Card Pack x2
- Silver x2,300

End Results
Tooka got demoted from 38 to 98, and other double-digit tookies bullied him. Talk to the Tookies nearby individually. After this conversation, appeal to the Tooki Examiner and ask about the Epic Twinkle (Tookicalibur).
- High Seas Coin Chest x3
- Silver x2,300

The Quest for Tookalibur
The alternative way to be forgiven from the punishment is to get Tookicalibur (The two ways to obtain it are mentioned above). Talk with the Examiner to start this quest. He will ask to retrieve the Tookicalibur’s Sheath that is obtained after surviving in the fence for 30 seconds. Return after passing the test and speak with the Examiner to conclude the quest.
- High Seas Coin Chest x3
- Silver x2,300

Note: Tookicalibur x1 will be consumed while progressing with the quest.
Tooki Tooki Announcement
Talk with Tooka and check the ranking board. Express joy with Tooka, now a Single Digit (Tooki 8). Speak with him again to finish the quest.
- Uncommon Battle Engraving Recipe Selection Pouch x3
- Pirate Coin x2,500
- Silver x11,000

A Genuine Single-Digit Tooki
Get this quest from Tooki Examiner, who teaches Tooka how to be a single digit. Once finished talking with Examiner, head toward Tookies (Triple Digit and Double Digits) and give them advice. Listen to the story of Tooka at the end and collect hard-earned Tooki Corporation Island Soul.
- Tooki Corporation Island Soul
- Pirate Coin x2,500
- Silver x11,000

Hidden Quest in Tooki Corporation
This hidden quest is triggered with Tookicalibur in your inventory; its location will be marked in the image below.
A Way Inside
Interact with the chest for the quest to appear. The walls near it will be readable for the clues to open the chest. Stick the Tookicalibur in the mushrooms right inside the orange circle to receive your rewards from the chest.
- (Tier 1 Honning) Life Shards
- Tooki Transformation Coins
- Random Silver

Una’s Task in Tooki Corporation – Loot Pirate Bird Cave

Run, Tooki!
You need to pick up treasure from the survival fence just by walking past the orange circles within. The rewards for this task are further divided into two tiers.
- Tier 1 [10 Reputation Points]: Gold x200
- Tier 2 [30 Reputation Points]: Gold x200
Run Faster, Tooki!
This will be the same as the last task, just a slight change in the location of the treasures.
- Tier 3 [50 Reputation Points]: Gold x400
- Tier 4 [70 Reputation Points]: Gold x800 and Tooki Transformation Sunglasses Selection Chest
Tooki Corporation Mokoko Seeds Location
There are three Mokoko Seeds found on this island. The first one is located right after the testing fence in the eastern part of the island, while the other two are in a hidden location just a short distance from the first one.