Cradle of the Sea Fermata is a cruise ship that offers travelers joy and peace. Everything here seems utterly identical to the very famous Peyto, which is also considered the second branch of it.

Where is Cradle of the Sea Fermata Island Located?
It is located within the northern region of the Sea of Procyon, on the east side of Feiton, just past the upper Wall of Procyon.
- Recommended Item Level Reached: 460
- Admission Period: Always Open

- Access beyond the Wall of Procyon.
- Taunt emote is required to complete Fermata’s Model quest here. You can buy this emote from Freedom Isle for Gienah’s Coins x3,360.
How to Get Cradle of the Sea Fermata Island Soul?
Acquiring the Fermata Island Soul requires going through two different stages of RNG. First, purchase the Game Voucher for Pirate Coin x100 from the NPC Merchant Merrymaker Jackpot (located in the northern part of the ship) to start the quest “A Marvelous Game.” The objective is to choose the correct one out of three Pots placed in front of the NPC. However, you cannot guess which one is correct in any way, so it’s all luck-based. Even if you get the right one, it might only give you more Pirate Coins instead of the Island Soul, as mentioned earlier about the two stages of RNG.
You can play this game daily once per character. To increase the odds of acquiring the Island Soul, use your ALT characters and play the game again.

Cradle of the Sea Fermata Quest Chain
The Best Welcome Ever
It is the beginning of the roster quest line offered by NPC Manager Almany, located on the Ship Deck.

You must Perform Polite, Applaud, and Cheer emotes to greet the guests on the ship and return to Almany to complete the quest. This quest’s rewards are outlined below:
- Pirate Coins x3,000
- Silver x8,500
Drop-dead Delicious
Interact with the Bartender Dennis to start this quest found in the center of the ship. Dennis requests you serve the food to the following people nearby:
- Serve the hungry Children.
- Serve the Family from Vern.
- Serve the Exhausted Swimmers.
Once you are done with the given task, return and talk to Dennis to finish the quest. Rewards for this quest include:
- Silver x8,500
- Legendary – Uncommon Card Pack

The Search for a Peaceful Sea
Get this quest from NPC Meteorologist Lena, located on the upper floor. Help her find the necessary materials on three bookshelves nearby and deliver them to her to finish the quest. The rewards for this quest consist of:
- Pirate Coin x3,000
- Silver x8,500

Ready to Have Fun

It is the final roster quest in the chain offered by Dennis. The quest is all about having fun and enjoying your stay on this Ship with Dennis. You must do the following activities to complete this quest.
- Have fun in the pool nearby.
- Enjoy sunbathing on the chaise lounge in front of you.
- Talk to Dennis and Sample the Drink.
- Receive food from Dennis.
Talk with Dennis after receiving the food, and that’s all for this quest. Rewards:
- Silver 8,500
- Ealyn’s Blessing x3
- Rare Engraving Recipe Selection Chest (Class Exclusive) x2
Cradle of the Sea Fermata Side Quests
Fermata’s Model
Fermata’s Model is a side quest that can be received right from the start by talking with NPC Famous Painter, found at the upper rightmost section of the ship.

He chooses you for his painting. You have to perform two emotes, Sit and Taunt while standing on the orange circle near him. Conversate with the Artist again to finish the quest. The rewards are listed below:
- Silver x8,500
- Legendary – Uncommon Card Pack x2
It is another side quest that begins after interacting with NPC Trickster’s Victim, sitting hopelessly inside the Ship’s Tavern.

The victim will tell you about how he and his friends got their earnings stolen by a Trickster and now have nothing in their possession to get back to their home. You must help all five Victims indicated on the minimap by giving them Alms to finish this quest. These are obtained after completing the quest:
- Silver x8,500
- Pirate Coin x3,000
For a Bigger Fermata
Start this quest by interacting with NPC Shipyard Manager. Apparently, the ship crew is busy expanding the Captain’s quarters, and Manager has asked for your help to deliver the parts to the crew. The parts and their drop-off location will be marked on the map. Once you’re done with the task, report back to Shipyard Manager to finish the quest. Rewards:
- Silver x8,500
- Legendary – Uncommon Card Pack x2

How to Unlock Cradle of the Sea Fermata Una’s Tasks?
Unlike other islands and continents alike, Una’s Tasks here are not available right from the start; instead, you have to unlock them by completing a specific quest called “For a Bigger Fermata.”

Una’s Task – The Fermata’s True Manager
For the Fermata’s Maintenance
Accept this quest from Una’s Tasks (Alt+J). The objective of this task is the same as the last one. You must deliver three parts to the crew at three different locations.
- Crewman repairing the Port Side.
- Crewman repairing the Amidships.
- Crewman repairing the Starboard Side.
Complete this task twice to unlock the next task in line, “For the Fermata’s Safety.”
For the Fermata’s Safety
Now instead of delivering the parts, you get to manage the site all by yourself.
- [Option] Maintain the Port Side on your own.
- [Option] Maintain the Starboard Side on your own.

Complete this task several times to unlock its tiers and even better rewards. The tier list is mentioned below:
- Tier 1 [30 Reputation Points]: Rewards with Pirate Coins x7,000.
- Tier 2 [50 Reputation Points]: Rewards with Uncommon Timber x5 and Pirate Coins x10,000.
- Tier 3 [80 Reputation Points]: Rewards with Masterpiece #28, Uncommon Timber x15, Crafting Recipe: Bar Table, and Pirate Coins x19,000.
Note: Reputation Points mean the amount of time you perform the task; For example, completing the task three times grants you 30 Reputation Points.
All Mokoko Seed Locations on Cradle of the Sea Fermata Island
There are a total of three Mokoko Seeds found here. The first and second are on the deck, while the third one is hidden behind stairs inside the Tavern—the locations are marked below in the images.

Merchants in Cradle of the Sea Fermata
Merrymaker Jackpot [Game Voucher Merchant]
Item Sold | Limit | Item Cost |
Game Voucher | Daily :1 | Pirate Coin x100 |
Loti [Luck: Card]
Item Sold | Limit | Item Cost |
Fermata Card Pack | Weekly: 7 | Pirate Coin x2000 |
Yuri [Dessert Merchant]
Yuri sells the Emote: Cute, which is used in various quests while progressing throughout Lost Ark.
Item Cost | Item Sold |
Emote: Cute | Silver x5,000 |
Bay Lin [Luck: Ability Stone]
Item Sold | Limit | Item Cost |
Unidentified Outstanding Stone of Birth (Item Lvl. +325) | Weekly Limit: 3 | Pirate Coin x644 |
Unidentified Powerful Stone of Birth (Item Lvl. +385) | Weekly Limit: 3 | Pirate Coin x891 |
Unidentified Elegant Stone of Birth (Item Lvl. +460) | Weekly Limit: 3 | Pirate Coin x1,040 |
Unidentified Outstanding Stone of Devotion (Item Lvl. 825+) | Weekly Limit: 3 | Pirate Coin x1,287 |
Unidentified Powerful Stone of Devotion (Item Lvl. 885+) | Weekly Limit: 3 | Pirate Coin x1,782 |
Unidentified Elegant Stone of Devotion (Item Lvl. 960+) | Weekly Limit: 3 | Pirate Coin x2,079 |
Dennis [Bartender]
Item Sold | Item Cost |
West Luterran Beer | Silver x1,000 |
Dyorika Beer | Silver x1,000 |
Totrich Beer | Silver x1,000 |
Vernese Wine | Silver x1,000 |
Ealyn’s Blessing | Silver x1,000 |
Vatius The Humpback Whale [Exchange Sea Bounty]
Vatius can be found on both Peyto and Cradle of the Sea Fermata. He trades many rare Titles, Toys, Masterpieces, and Crew Applications for Sea Bounties, also called Secret Maps. You can obtain these maps as drops from defeating field bosses or completing a certain quest.