Tera is The Great Fairy who has made multiple appearances in The Legend of Zelda series. She is the oldest out of the four fairy sisters and has earned the title of Great Earth Fairy.
Exploring Tera’s Fountain in Breath of The Wild
While there are four great fairies, locating the fountain of Great Fairy Tera can be more challenging. To get to Great Fairy Tera’s fountain, you’ll need to go to The Gerudo Desert. There, you’ll have to find a Huge Dragon Skeleton, and under the tail of the skeleton, you’ll find Great Fairy Tera’s fountain. To restore Great Fairy Tera’s powers, she requests a total offering of 10,000 rupees. Once Tera’s powers have been restored, she will be able to upgrade certain pieces of Link’s armor in exchange for materials.

Age Of Calamity
In order to unlock The Great Fairies, you’ll have to play all the way up to Chapter 4. Once you have opened Chapter 4 over in the Gerudo Desert area, there’s a quest called ‘Offering Help on the Road’ in which you will need 4,500 rupees.
Once you’re done with that, you’ll unlock different quests (Fairy Fountain: Deep Snows), (Fairy Fountain: Desert Sands), (Fairy Fountain: Grassy Plains), (Fairy Fountain: Battlefield). In these quests, you’ll have to defeat The Great Fairies to unlock them as a composite character.

Tears Of the Kingdom
The Great Fairy Tera’s Fountain is located in the Military Training Camp, just northwest of the Woodland Stable. The Great Fairy Tera refuses to come out of her fountain because she is scared for her safety due to the reports of Glooms and Monsters across Hyrule. She declares that she will not come outside of her fountain for all eternity or until she hears a violin once more.
In order to unlock The Great Fairy Tera, firstly you’ll have to talk to Penn and Traysi over in the Tabantha Frontier to start the Lucky Clover Gazette questline. After that, head over to Woodland Stable and repair the carriage of Mastro and Violynne.

Once completed, inform them of your intention to escort them to The Great Fairy. Next, acquire a Towing Harness from the pony points rewards and equip it on your horse. (Pony points can be obtained by resting on any stable each time you register a new horse and by every stable visit you make). Now attach the towing harness to the carriage and take Mastro and Violynne to The Great Fairy. Upon arriving at Tera’s fountain, Mastro and Violynne will play a tune. When Tera hears the sound of the violin, she emerges from her fountain, allowing you to upgrade your armor.