Originally released in version 2.3, Golden Wolflord is a normal boss in Genshin Impact. It is the ruler of all Rifthounds found on Tsurumi Island. So just like Rifthounds, it can also apply stacks of corrosion when it hits the player, meaning shields are nullified.
This guide contains all the information related to the Golden Wolflord boss, including its location, Strategy and Attacks, Recommendations/tips, and Rewards.

Golden Wolflord Location
The Wolflord is located on the extreme South of Tsurumi Island in the Inazuma region. To get there, use the Southernmost teleport waypoint, which is luckily right next to the boss fight area.

How To Unlock Tsurumi Island
First of all, you need to unlock Tsurumi Island! The island is only opened once you’ve completed the Seirai Stormchasers quest and then begun the Through the Mists quest. You must complete the Particularly Particular Author quest to unlock Through the Mists.
Once you’ve done the quests and unlocked the teleport waypoint near the Wolflord, you can simply go back and forth to get rewards and wait for it to respawn.
Recommended Characters
The best characters to use in this fight are:
- Zhongli
- Itto
- Ningguang
- Noelle
- Kokomi
- Barbara
- Albedo
- Diona
- Bennet
- Yoimiya
- Raiden Shogun
Note: Using Geo characters and good Healers like Kokomi and Barbara for this battle is essential.
All of the ATK and HP values of the Golden Wolflord vary according to the world level.
ATK: Ranges from 203 (Level 1) – 17,465 (Level 95)
HP: Ranges from 801 (Level 1) – 545,144 (Level 95)
The following are the resistances to different elements of the Golden Wolflord:
- Physical: 25%
- Pyro: 25%
- Hydro: 25%
- Cryo: 25%
- Electro: 25%
- Geo: 25%
- Anemo: 25%
- Dendro: 25%
Elemental Devourer
- Physical: 25%
- Pyro: 25%
- Hydro: 25%
- Cryo: 25%
- Electro: 25%
- Geo: -20%
- Anemo: 25%
- Dendro: 25%
Beginning of the Battle
- Physical: 225%
- Pyro: 225%
- Hydro: 225%
- Cryo: 225%
- Electro: 225%
- Geo: 225%
- Anemo: 225%
- Dendro: 225%
Note: that all of the above values may differ in Co-op mode according to the number of players and also when it is in the Spiral Abyss.
Golden Wolflord Attack Patterns
The Golden Wolflord has a very limited skills/move set compared to other world bosses, but this does not mean it is to be taken lightly, as it is challenging to deal with without a geo character.
Phase One
Most of its moves are slow in the first phase, allowing you to dodge; we recommend using this phase to learn its attacks.
Note: that the names of the following attacks are not official.
Golden Geo Beam
The Golden Wolflord charges up and fires a large beam while rotating toward the player slowly. To dodge this, you could i-frame it at the right time and then walk away from the beam, as the Wolflord will not be fast enough to follow you with the beam. This attack deals 5%, 12.5%, or 50% of ATK as Geo DMG depending on whether the player is in the middle of the beam or on edge.
Golden Tornado
The Wolflord spins around into a tornado and directly follows the target player. To counter it, as soon as you realize that the Wolflord is about to go into a Tornado spin, run in the opposite direction and then to the side. This attack deals 50% of ATK as Geo DMG on hit.
Ground Dash
When doing the Ground Dash, the Wolflord will land on the ground and swim around the boss fight area swiftly to attack the player. To avoid this, the player must get as far away as possible as the range of the “Dash,” which it does, is short. Once it is done with the attack, it will rest for a few seconds giving you, the player, the perfect opportunity to deal as much damage as possible. This attack deals 50% of ATK as Geo DMG on hit.
Skull Homing Attack
The Wolflord flies around and launches Golden State Rifthounds, homing toward the player at fast speeds. It would be best to outrun these until they are not targeting you anymore. Each skull does 25% of ATK as Geo AoE damage on impact.
Tail Sweep
The Wolflord will fly up near the player and sweeps its tail with the ground dealing 50% of ATK as Geo AoE damage.
Phase Two
Upon reaching 60% HP or lower, The Golden Wolflord will be protected by a shield, and it will summon three Rifthounds spread across the field; these provide it with the shield.
In this phase, the Wolflord can perform some attacks from Phase One at a higher speed.
Elemental Devourer
An ability where the Wolflord empowers itself by using the summoned rifthounds. This increases its attack by 30%, although it reduces its Geo resistance in the process.
Earthshaking Dive
The Golden Wolflord flies up, slams itself into the ground, and goes underground, dealing 100% of ATK as AoE Geo DMG in a specific radius shown before it hits the ground. Right before it resurfaces, 8 massive explosions will follow over a major area, each dealing 25% of ATK as AoE Geo DMG. To dodge these attacks, the player has to stay at the edge of the boss fight area.
This is the only special attack performed in the second shield phase.

Golden Wolflord Strategy
The first phase is pretty straightforward; you just need to dodge attacks and find windows to attack the boss. One of these windows is when the Wolflord does its Ground Dash attack, where it stops to rest. Using Ningguang in this battle is highly recommended, as her Elemental Skill Jade Screen can block the Golden Geo Beam attack. Another reason for using Ningguang is that she is a Catalyst user, meaning all her attacks will always be Geo. This is essential for the battle in Phase Two.
Ranged Characters like Yoimiya and Ganyu or Catalyst users are extremely valuable during this battle as it spends most of their time flying in the air. Also, remember that after performing any attack, there is always a short window for the player to go in and attack, even using a melee character.
When Phase Two Starts and three Rifthounds are summoned to give a constant shield to the Golden Wolflord, the player should go to the edge of the fight area as the Earthshaking Dive attack cannot reach there ever. Then you need to go to the rifthounds and use geo attacks to destroy them one by one. Each Rifthound can be eliminated by using Three Geo attacks.

We recommend you always be moving during the fight, as this is the best way to be able to avoid all attacks from the boss.
Once the rifthounds are destroyed, the shield from the Wolford will be immediately gone and paralyzed for more than a few seconds. This is the moment when you should simply go in and do as much damage as possible by using your DPS character.
During the battle, at specific HP stages, the Golden Wolflord drops Energy Orbs, which help you charge your ultimate; this drop when the HP of the boss reaches 75%, 50%, or 25%.
If you are having trouble or do not have some essential Geo characters, remember that you can always use Co-op mode to get help from friends!
Character Ascension Materials
- Riftborn Regalia (1-3, Depending on your World Level)
- Prithiva Topaz Sliver
- Prithiva Topaz Fragment
- Prithiva Topaz Chunk
- Prithiva Topaz Gemstone
- Traveling Doctor (2* – 3*)
- Instructor (3* – 4*)
- The Exile (3* – 4*)
- Gladiator’s Finale (4* – 5*)
- Wanderer’s Troupe (4* – 5*)
Other Drops (Vary according to World Level)
- 200 Adventure EXP
- 3,450 – 6,000 Mora
- Character EXP
- Companionship EXP
There are 2 Achievements you can get through this boss.
Inugami’s End
It is achieved by destroying Two of the Rifthounds in a short period.
The Whisperer in Darkness
Achieved by defeating the Golden Wolflord in Co-op Mode.