Electro Hypostasis was first released in version 1.0 of Genshin Impact. It is a powerful world boss found in the Cape Oath region and is probably the first boss the players will run into. Like all other Hypostasis bosses, it covers itself in a cube shield so it is not damaged until it exposes its inner core. It was given the Codename: Aleph as a pure Electro Entity.

Electro Hypostasis Location
The boss is idle in its arena in Cape Oath, Galesong Hill, Mondstadt. The fastest way to get to it is teleporting to the Eagle’s Gate; the teleport waypoint can also be used. The boss usually respawns after 3 minutes of being defeated for repeated runs. However, you must be away from the arena.

Electro Hypostasis Statistics
The boss has no unique stats like higher ATK or HP; its resistance is also average, and it is only immune to electro-damage. It has noticeably lower HP than other bosses.
Element | Resistance |
Physical | 10% |
Pyro | 10% |
Hydro | 10% |
Electro | Immune |
Cryo | 10% |
Dendro | 10% |
Anemo | 10% |
Geo | 10% |
Health, Attack Power, and Defense
- Its HP ranges from 510 – 257,356 from Level 1 – 100
- Its ATK ranges from 152 – 14,773 from Level 1 – 100
- Its DEF ranges from 505 – 1,000 from Level 1 – 100
Note: The above stats may differ when in Co-op mode or when in a domain.
Best Tips for Electro Hypostasis Boss Battle
- Use Pyro, Dendro, or Cryo to destroy the electro prisms that will appear at the end of the battle.
- Maintain distance from the boss as it makes its attacks quick. Look for your chance to attack.
Best Party Setup Electro Hypostasis
- First Character: DPS character could be anyone that does not use Electro. Xiao, Hu Tao, Ayaka, Itto, Ganyu, Dehya, Eula, Alhaitam, Diluc, Yoimiya, Yanfei, or Wanderer are all suitable choices.
- Second Character: The rest of your party mainly depends on your first character, so choose them accordingly, but make sure to have at least one Pyro, Dendro, or Cryo applicant to ensure the boss does not revive itself. Suitable characters for the Sub DPS role are Xiangling, Kaeya, Xingqiu, Yelan, Nahida, Collei, Ninnguang, or Chongyun.
- Third Character: It can be a support and be of a different element than the second or first character for elemental reactions. Suitable characters include Xingqiu, Tighnari, Collei, Traveler, Nahida, Yelan, Gorou, and Yunjin.
- Fourth Character: It should be a shielder or healer to keep your other characters alive; these are Noelle, Barbara, Diona, Zhongli, Kokomi, Thoma, and Layla.

Electro Hypostasis Attacks and Dodges
Electro Hypostasis does not have much variation when it comes to attacks. Nevertheless, it has faster combo attacks, making them harder to avoid. It also has cubes protecting it unless it is launching an attack.
Electro Cube Missiles
It floats up to form a magic circle with purple cubes around the outer side of the circle. These purple cubes are then thrown as missiles, each cube dealing 25% ATK as Electro DMG. Keep dashing toward any side to evade it.

Electro Clap
It forms a large wall next to you and folds it to clap together, causing Electro DMG equal to 100% ATK. Dash away when a wall is formed to dodge the attack.

Rock, Scissors, Paper
It takes the shape of a Fist and dashes directly forward, then changes into the shape of Scissors and quickly tries to attack. It then forms a hand and slams down toward you from above. These attacks deal 75%, 75%, and 100% ATK as Electro DMG, respectively. Quickly dash to any one side if it turns into a giant fist to avoid the rest of the attack too.

It takes the shape of a giant purple drill and rotates to attack you, and it cannot change directions once the drill starts spinning, so dash to any side to avoid the drill. This drill deals 50% ATK as Electro DMG and 25% ATK as additional Physical DMG.

Electro Waves (Tremors)
It moves to the middle of the platform and spins its cubes around itself to send out electro waves on the surface around it. These waves are spread throughout the arena and deal 75% ATK as Electro DMG. To avoid this, choose one direction and keep walking/dashing accordingly.

Pillar Cage
It sends its cube shields flying up, which come down in the shape of pillars surrounding you in a circular electro cage. Each pillar deals 100% ATK as Electro DMG if it hits you when falling. Run away when you see it sending up its cube shields to escape the trap. Once you are stuck, the hypostasis will attack you with lightning bolts, each dealing 50% ATK as Electro DMG. To Escape the cage, you must go to one pillar and use elemental attacks on it to destroy it.

Note: This attack only happens when you take too long to defeat the boss.
Rotating Lasers
It spreads its cubes around it in a circle with another magic circle pattern on the ground this time. It sends a continuous electro laser in four different directions around itself and spins counter-clockwise. These lasers deal 100% ATK as Electro DMG, and there are two ways to dodge this. You can use the I-frame approach and the character’s dash animation, but this is harder for beginners. The other way is to keep running away from the lasers but be near the middle of the platform.

The boss’s core is vulnerable during this attack, so you could dash in to deal some damage and then run back out to dodge when it brings its cubes back in.
If Hypostasis HP reaches approximately 5%, it attempts to revive itself by summoning three Electro Prisms. It appears in the middle of the platform and forms three of these prisms. The electro prisms’ weakness is elemental attacks using Pyro, Cryo, or Dendro. The prisms heal it only after 15 seconds of being summoned. If all the prisms are destroyed, the boss is also defeated; if not, they heal the hypostasis according to the number of prisms left. They heal 15%-35%-50% of their Max HP for 1-2-3 prisms.

How To Beat Electro Hyposatsis Easily?
The fight with this boss remains relatively simple. You dodge the attacks and hit it when its core is exposed; it is exposed for a few seconds after every attack from the boss except for Drill. For the Pillar Cage attack, escaping could be done by destroying a pillar or jumping over the top of the cage, using Zhongli’s tower, Geo Traveler’s construct, or even Xiao’s jump in his ultimate.
When it attempts to revive itself, destroy the electro prisms quickly so it doesn’t heal itself; the most effective elements for this are Pyro, Cryo, and Dendro.
Electro Hypostasis Rewards/Drops

Character Ascension Material
- Lightning Prism (1-3)
- Vajrada Amethyst Sliver
- Vajrada Amethyst Fragment
- Vajrada Amethyst Chunk
- Vajrada Amethyst Gemstone
Artifact Sets
- Traveling Doctor (1* – 3*)
- The Exile (3* – 4*)
- Instructor (3* – 4*)
- Prayers for Wisdom (3* – 4*)
- Gladiator’s Finale (4* – 5*)
- Wanderer’s Troupe (4* – 5*)
Other Rewards
- 200 Adventure EXP
- 3,450 – 6,000 Mora
- 138 – 200 Character EXP
- 30 – 45 Companionship EXP
- The PRISM Program: Break all of the prisms to stop them from being revived.
- Force Field Erosion: Use Cryo/Pyro/Dendro to break a pillar from the cage it traps you in.
- “…Lizard-Spock”: Be hit by all three attacks from the “Rock, Scissors, Paper.“
- …And Still Smiling!: Defeat the Electro Hypostasis in Co-op mode.