Among all of the horrifying bosses in Genshin Impact, the first one you will likely encounter is the Cryo Regisvine. This boss has gotten a beating from most players; however, some players still struggle with it.

It is a monster formed from a vine that was imbued with the essence of biting frost within the Ley Lines. Some studies suggest that plants are like the organs of the world in the world of Teyvat. In certain circumstances, certain plants will turn into creatures of monstrous size and intent, such as this one, in the course of many years.
Where is Cryo Regisvine Located?
The Cryo Regisvine challenge is found in the far east of Mondstadt City, right under the Domain “Thousand Winds temple,” and the fastest way to access it is to teleport to the domain. The entrance to the boss fight area is two holes in the ground.

Cryo Regisvine Statistics
Element | Base Resistance | Resistance When Stunned |
Physical | 130% | 30% |
Pyro | 110% | 10% |
Hydro | 110% | 10% |
Electro | 110% | 10% |
Cryo | 110% | 10% |
Dendro | 110% | 10% |
Anemo | 110% | 10% |
Geo | 110% | 10% |
How to Defeat the Cryo Regisvine?
The Cryo Regisvine is a normal world boss in the game, so it doesn’t have any complex mechanics like weekly bosses. The most efficient way to beat it is to destroy the weak point, which is either on its roots or its corolla(its face).

If the weak point is not destroyed, Its damage resistance is very high. The initial weak point is always on its roots. This weak point acts like a cryo shield, which means players should always use Pyro to counter it. Other elements like Anemo, Geo, and Electro also work on the shield but work slower and less efficiently. Once the weak point is destroyed, the boss stays paralyzed for 10 to 15 seconds. It is best to defeat it during this time. However, if it does wake up, its weak point is now on the Corolla. If the weak point of the Corolla is not destroyed for a long while, it automatically goes down to the roots.

The best way to break this 2nd shield is to use a Pyro bow character like Amber or Yoimiya. If you insist on going melee, you’ll have to wait for the boss to attack by hitting its head on the ground.
Cryo Regisvine Attacks and Counters
The regisvine has two different phases, and it uses special attacks in each one, which is the Roots Phase and the Corolla Phase. Most of its attacks slow down your movements as the element used is Cryo, but they are easy to avoid.
Roots Phase
The boss enters the Root Phase when the fight commences or when it regains consciousness after being paralyzed/stunned.
Ice Beams
Flings two beams of ice in a cross pattern at you. This deals 50% ATK as Cryo DMG. It can be dodged by dashing toward any side. It is always indicated by the two lashes on the side glowing brightly, as shown.

Homing Icicles
This attack fires either 2, 4, or 6 homing icicles towards the player; these deal 12.5% ATK as Cryo DMG on hit. They follow the player for a few seconds before losing the homing attribute. The only way to dodge the icicles is by running away till the homing effect is gone. It is indicated by a glowing effect flowing through the lashes of the Regisvine.

Charges and shivers for a moment and then slams itself into the ground. This deals 100% ATK as AoE Cryo DMG. The slam also releases three trails of ice, each of them dealing 50% ATK as AoE Cryo DMG. This attack is indicated by a glow traveling up its stem.
Note: In the Corolla Phase, This attack may be chained up to three times.

Spin Attack
A circle appears around the Regisvine, indicating the radius of the attack. It will then flatten and stretch out, and spin, dealing 100% ATK as Cryo DMG within the marked radius, knocking any characters back and infusing the ground in the radius with Cryo. The infused ground will deal 30% ATK as Cryo DoT to characters who step on it until it dissipates. This attack can be predicted by seeing the Regisvine absorb air from its surroundings and the circle which appears around it.

This attack is only used if the weak point of the Regisvine is not destroyed for an extended period. The Regisvine channels its Cryo powers into the air, which rains down ice targeting the player and also aiming slightly ahead of where the player is currently standing. This ice deals 50% of ATK as Cryo DMG. These ice bolts explode once they hit the ground and leave behind a patch of ice that deals 30% of ATK as Cryo DoT to the characters who step into it. It can be dodged by just simply moving around.
This attack is indicated by the Regisvine facing upwards.

Corolla Phase
The Corolla phase only starts after the shield on its roots is broken at least once.
Smashes its head on the floor and rotates 360 degrees around its roots, dealing 100% ATK as Cryo DMG and knocking players away when hit.

Half Flail
Smashes its head on the floor and rotates 180 degrees instead of 360 degrees around its roots, dealing 100% ATK as Cryo DMG and knocking players away when hit. Note that this attack can be stacked up to two times and sometimes may be followed up by a Faceplant.

Rotary Spray
The boss will lean its head forward at the player, with its arms spread, and, after locking onto the player’s location, will fire a huge beam of Cryo from its corolla while slowly turning around 360 degrees, rapidly dealing 50% ATK as Cryo DoT to any players caught in the beam and infusing the outer ring of the arena with Cryo. The infused ground will deal 30% ATK as Cryo DoT to characters who step on it until it dissipates.

You can unlock 4 different achievements with the Cryo Regisvine:
- Extreme Gardening: Destroy the weak point when it is on the Corolla.
- “Take That, You Overblown Mist Flower!”: Defeat the Cryo Regisvine without destroying its Corolla weak point.
- Knockout: Destroy the Cryo Regisvine’s Corolla weak point while it is performing its rotary spray attack.
- Just Me and You, the Sky So Blue, and Almost Getting Killed by a Cryo Regisvine: Defeat the Cryo Regisvine in co-op mode.

To claim the rewards after defeating the boss, you need to claim the Trounce Blossom for 40 Original Resin.
The following are the rewards the Trounce Blossom has to offer, ranging from boss level 36 to level 93 (Or World level 0 to World level 8):
- Hoarfrost Core
- Shivada Jade Sliver (2*)
- Shivada Jade Fragment (3*)
- Shivada Jade Chunk(4*)
- Shivada Jade Gemstone(5*)
- Lucky Dog Artifact set (2* – 3*)
- Berserker Artifact set (3* – 4*)
- The Exile Artifact set (3* – 4*)
- Prayers to Springtime Artifact set (3* – 4*)
- Gladiator’s Finale Artifact set (4* – 5*)
- Wanderer’s Troupe Artifact set (4* – 5*)
- 200 Adventure EXP
- 30 Companionship EXP