Ghirahim and Demise are the final bosses in Zelda: Skyward Sword, known for their terrifying abilities. Each boss needs a different strategy to be beaten and has unique tricks to defeat them. In this guide, we will provide information on how to successfully defeat Ghirahim and Demise, so make sure you follow along until the end.
How to defeat Demise:
Defeating Demise is divided into two phases. In the first phase, Demise is in his normal form, so all you need to do is defend his attacks with your shield and counterattack with your sword.

Once you have damaged Demise enough, he will transform into a lightning figure, starting the second phase, while delivering normal and charged lightning attacks from above. To damage Demise at this stage, lift your sword and redirect the lightning attacks back toward him. When you successfully hit him, he will be stunned and vulnerable to your sword attacks. Remember, dodge his charged attacks while continuing to hit him this way, and you will successfully defeat Demise.

How to defeat Ghirahim:
Similar to Demise, Ghirahim also has two phases. The first phase occurs on a series of magical platforms where you must push Ghirahim off the edges. Use your sword to push him into a corner and deliver the final blow to force him off the edges.

After pushing Ghirahim off every magical platform, he will fall to the ground, starting the second phase. Now, time your shield defense according to Ghirahim’s attacks and counterattack each time. He will upgrade his sword once you deal enough damage, but regardless, stick to the counterattack strategy. Repeat these steps several times to successfully defeat Ghirahim.

That’s pretty much it. I hope you found this guide helpful. Please let us know if you want to learn anything else regarding Zelda: Skyward Sword.