In Warhammer Vermintide 2, There are multiple character classes that a player can choose from. Since every type has different perks and is different from each other in every way, it’s easy to get confused about which one you should pick. This guide delves into each character class, equipping you with the knowledge to master them.
Warhammer Vermintide 2: All Character Classes Guide
Before a character unlocks its full potential, players must reach a specific level with it.
Markus Kruber
This character has three classes that you can play in the game. You can choose either Mercenary, Huntsman, or Foot Knight.

This versatile class blends protection with agility, offering both close-quarter and long-range weaponry. This class’s primary skill is called Moral Boost, which boosts nearby party members’ temporary health and staggers and nearby enemies.

Landing a triple-hit with this class unlocks a 10% attack speed boost for 6 seconds, allowing you to cleave through additional enemies Another plus point is that it also has increased critical strike chance.
This class unlocks at Level 7. Huntsman has long-range weapons that it uses to take out enemies. It doesn’t offer much protection, and it has increased speed. You can utilize this character if you play it at a range. Its primary skill is Hunter’s Prowl, which can disappear for a small amount of time.

If you get a headshot at a range, you can recover the ammo used in that headshot. Your damage doesn’t decrease over long distances, and his last passive ability gives him an aura that increases the chances of landing a critical hit.
Foot Knight:
This class unlocks when you reach Level 12. As the name suggests, this grants you a good amount of protection, but the trade-off with good defense is your speed. Its primary skill is called Valiant Charge, which the character uses to charge toward his enemies.

Its secondary ability is that it releases an aura that makes it damage-resistant. It has increased stamina, and due to its armor, it takes less damage than others.
Bardin Goreksson
This character has three classes that you can play in the game. You can choose either Ranger Veteran, Ironbreaker, or Slayer.

Ranger Veteran:
This class has a crossbow that deals much damage from afar. The primary skill of this class is called Disengage, which lets you drop a smoke bomb that hides you from enemies.

Its secondary ability gives you faster reload speed and double the ammo capacity. If you kill the specials, they drop ammo for you. This is all you get in this class.
Ironbreaker is a supporting character because of his abilities. You can unlock him at Level 7. You can use it to distract ten man-sized units with its primary ability called Impenetrable. This class’s primary ability also offers increased defense and allows you to block any attack for 10 seconds.

The secondary ability includes increased stamina, more stun resistance, reduced damage taken, and the ability to absorb one hit every 20 seconds without taking any damage.
You can unlock the Slayer at Level 12. The slayer has axes and other weapons that allow him to brawl at close range. This class lets you stun an enemy by leaping forward and gain increased attack speed quickly with its primary ability which is called Leap.

With its secondary ability, you can stack damage buff while hitting an enemy and gain increased attack speed.
This character has three classes that you can play in the game. You can choose either Waystalker, Handmaiden, or Shade.

Waystalker has a bow and arrow that he uses in combat. Still, his primary ability is Trueshot Volley, which allows him to fire a volley that looks out for enemies in the path it was shot.

His secondary ability helps him get more zoom on the bow, with no damage reduction when shooting the arrows over a long range, and double the ammo capacity. The best part is that he also heals over time.
This class drops the bow and arrow and focuses mainly on melee combat. You can unlock this class at level 7. This class uses a spear to help maintain a distance from the enemy while delivering damage. The primary ability is Dash, which allows you to quickly dash forward.

The secondary ability consists of increased dodge distance, helps you revive an ally without getting uninterrupted, and releases an aura that regenerates stamina.
This class has a skillset of an assassin, which you can unlock at Level 12. The primary skill of this class is Infiltrate, which makes it undetectable and can go through enemy lines for 10 seconds or until you attack.

The secondary ability includes 50% more damage if attacked from behind, and you instantly kill man-size enemies if you get a critical hit when backstabbing.
Victor Saltzpyre
This character has three classes that you can play in the game. You can choose either Witch Hunter Captain, Bounty Hunter, or Zealot.

Witch Hunter Captain:
With this class, you can tag enemies, which is handy in your secondary abilities. The primary power of this class is Animosity, which boosts critical hit chances for all your party members for 8 seconds.

The secondary ability gives more damage to enemies that you have tagged. Critical headshots instantly kill the enemy.
Bounty Hunter:
You can unlock this class at Level 7. This class has good power and defense at a distance, as this class gives you pistols. The primary ability is Locked and Loaded, which allows you to fire a shot that can pierce through your enemies.

Your secondary ability guarantees ranged or melee critical hit every 8 seconds. This also grants you double the ammo capacity and increased reload speed.
To get this class, you need to obtain Level 12. The primary ability is Holy Fervor. This lets you charge at your enemies and gain 50% more attack speed for 5 seconds.

The secondary ability gives you a power increase depending on your remaining health. It gives you 5% more power for every 25 missing health points. You can also resist death when you take lethal damage. Finally, you get heavy attacks that the enemies can’t interrupt.
Sienna Fuegonasus
This character has three classes that you can play in the game. You can choose either Battle Wizard, Pyromancer, or Unchained.

Battle Wizard:
The primary ability of this class is Fire Walk, which allows you to leap forward, leaving you with fire in the path you just walked.

The passive ability includes increased ranged damage, and if you avoid taking damage and don’t use your spells for 8 seconds, it depletes your overcharge. The overcharge increases your spell charge speed.
This class unlocks Level 7 and eliminates area-splash potions with more targeted attacks on individual enemies. The primary ability of this class is Homing Firespear, which launches a projectile that finds enemies.

The passive ability consists of increased critical strike chance, which depends on your Overcharge level and increased range damage.
You can unlock this class by obtaining Level 12. The primary ability of this class is Living Bomb, which heats up your class and explodes it, damaging enemies close to you. This ability also cleans out your Overcharge.

Your passive ability increases melee power on high Overcharge and No Overcharge slowdown. It also transfers 50% of the damage you absorb to the Overcharge and reduces your block cost if you have a high Overcharge but use your overcharge in return.