The Unsullied Heart is a valuable item known for its rarity and significance in V Rising. It can be further upgraded to Greater Blood Essence, which serves as a key component in the progression of Servants Journal Quest. However, acquiring Unsullied Hearts requires immense grinding as it is no easy find even after defeating numerous enemies. Nevertheless, We will explain the best method to farm Unsullied Hearts in the game.

What is an Unsullied Heart?
Unsullied Hearts is an RNG item (Entirely Luck Based) dropped by extracting the blood of V Blood Carriers or by simply slaying them. There is no official farming method for Unsullied Hearts; the drop chance of this item varies from enemies from Levels 16 or 18 to onwards.
How To Get Unsullied Heart?
Select a route from your stronghold to find bosses along the way; for example, when tracking Lidia The Choas Archer (Farbane Woods), you might come across multiple Alpha Wolfs and possibly Goreswine the Ravager. Defeating all of them will earn you one Heart at the very least. Enemies respawn quickly, so repeat the boss elimination cycle, convenient from your main base to fill up Unsullied Hearts in your inventory.

This strategy also depends on your level; repeatedly taking on bosses of higher levels will increase the chances that they will drop an Unsullied Heart after being defeated. In case your level is low, raiding bandit camps or battling early-game bosses like Keely the Frost Archer and Alpha Wolf are the recommended options.
Crafting Greater Blood Essence
Unsullied Hearts are typically used to craft Greater Blood Essence in the Blood Press (built from 12 Planks and 120 Stones); other than this, they can also be consumed to get V Blood supply (not recommended). If you urgently need V Blood, the Tainted Heart is a much better option, as it is easier to farm.

After getting x4 Unsullied Hearts, operate the Blood Press and follow the third recipe to craft the Greater Blood Essence. The alternative way to prepare this Essence is by beating a challenging high-level boss Tristan the Vampire Hunter (Level 46).

Once you beat him, the recipe to craft Greater Blood Essence from x200 Blood Essence will be unlocked. Farming Blood Essence is relatively much more manageable than grinding a whole lot of Unsullied Hearts. The Greater Blood Essence can be used further in making Servants Coffin, mid-late-tier equipment, and the Primal Blood Essence.