Start the Pizza job at Wobbly Pizzeria between 12PM and 1AM, Follow the UFO that spawns and deliver the pizza to it at the Hockey Rink to unlock Jetpack.
In order to unlock the jetpack in Wobbly Life, you need to find a place named Wobbly Pizzeria. It can be found near the park in the residential area. It should look like this:

After finding Wobbly Pizzeria, you need to start a pizza delivery job between 12:00 PM and 1:00 AM. Starting this job will spawn a UFO near the pizzeria. This UFO has a green colored beam under it which can pull anything that comes under it.

Once you see the UFO, get a pizza and follow it around Wobbly Island. After a while, the UFO will stop at the Hockey Rink. It is located close to the landing strip. Upon the stopping of the UFO, make sure to deliver the pizza to it through the beam mentioned before.

Following these steps will grant you the Jetpack along with some other things. The Jetpack can be equipped anytime at any closet.
Special Thanks to User Jackdaw7175 (Keanofsky) from official Wobbly Life’s Discord server for contributing in this article.