In Stardew Valley, Maple trees are a precious resource to its player adventure. Depending on the season, they add a beautiful look to the game and change their appearance. They are common trees used to make Maple Syrup in the game. This guide will tell you about how you can grow a Maple Tree.
Getting Maple Seeds
Players need to get their hands on the Maple Seed to grow Maple Trees. Players can obtain Maple Seed by various methods. All of them are discussed below.

Chopping Maple Trees
The first way is to use an axe and chop the tree, which gives you several items, including Maple Seed. Remember to level up your Foraging to 1 to chop down the tree.

Shaking Maple Trees
You can also obtain Maple Seeds by simply going to a Maple Tree and right-clicking the tree to shake it. This also gives you Maple Seeds.
You can go near a fully-grown Maple Tree and use a PickAxe or just an Axe to dig near the tree for Maple Seeds.
Traveling Cart
If you don’t have enough time. You can just go to the Travelling cart and buy Maple Seeds. Maple Seeds’ price tag is 100 to 1,000 g. You can’t find these seeds in any other store.

Growing a Maple Tree
Once you are done collecting Maple Seeds, you can now plant them. You can only plant Maple Seeds on tillable ground. Planting it on the side of your farm will do just fine. If you don’t have enough space, you can un-till your soil by hitting it with a pickaxe.
Any tree seed in Stardew goes through four stages before fully growing out. Maple Seeds do not grow in Winter. If you use a Tree Fertilizer, Maple Seeds go through one growth stage every night, and they can even grow in Winter. Maple Trees grow in about 22 to 25 days, while a Fertilized Maple Seed will grow fully in 4 to 5 days.