Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is an open-world game, and it depends upon the player how he wants to approach the game. The player has the opportunity to attain different special abilities early on in the game. You still need to have a decent level to attain some of these. You can get the usual HM abilities by defeating the strong Legendary Pokemon. There are five Legendary Pokemon and they are part of the Legends questline.
The game is based on an open-world meta, so the player doesn’t need flying ability to teleport. You can revisit the cities and places whenever you want. Instead of flying, now you can glide and move between different locations in the game. The game becomes more interesting when you progress further in the game.
To gain your ability back, you have to follow “Path of the Legends” in which you will face the five Titans of Paldea. After defeating every one of them, it will allow you to access to the Herba Mystica which will give you the usual abilities back.

Herba Mystica and their abilities
The following are the different Herba Mystica and the special ability that a player can gain from it, as well as the Titan you have to defeat for it.
Bitter Herba Mystica
It gives back the swimming ability, but you have to defeat The Open Sky Titan named (Bombirdier) to gain that ability.

Sour Herba Mystica
It gives back the “Glide” ability. You have to defeat The Quacking Earth Titan (Great Tusk/Iron Thrads) before attaining this ability.

Spicy Herba Mystica
It gives you the Climb ability. You have to defeat The False Dragon Titan (Dondozo and Tatsugiri) before attaining this ability.

Salty Herba Mystic
It gives back the ability of “High Jump”, but to attain that ability you have to defeat The Lurking Steel Titan (Orthworm).

Sweet Herba Mystic
It gives you the “Dash” ability, but you have to defeat The Stony Cliff Titan (Klawf).

After unlocking all the abilities, you will be introduced to how to use these abilities.
Climbing Controle
If you press the “B” button to jump while facing a wall, the Pokemon will grab onto the wall, allowing you to climb up vertical surfaces. You can move in any direction while climbing by using Left Stick. If you want to get off the wall just press the button “B” again.

High Jump Controles
If you press and hold the B button, the Pokemon will now be able to jump higher than before. If you press the B button quickly, it will perform a smaller jump.

Swimming Controls
After unlocking the swimming ability, whenever you hit the water Miraidon will float on the water and you can move freely on water.

Gliding Controles
You have to press the “B” button while you’re in the air, and the Pokemon will now glide for you. If you press the “B” button again, you’ll stop gliding immediately and start falling.

Dash Controles
Press the Left stick while moving forward to activate the dash.

With all abilities unlocked, players can immerse themselves in the captivating world of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.