After utilizing Water Bubbles and Hydrants to cleanse all the mud in Wellspring Island, your next step is to take the waterfall and swim your way up towards the last Sky Island, called the Water Temple.
Upon reaching the Water Temple, you’ll discover that the source of all the sludge and mud resides within it. To eliminate the mud and sludge, you must activate “Four” Faucets. Let’s delve into how to activate all these faucets.
Note: Ensure you have enough arrows and carry splash fruits in your inventory as they will prove beneficial.
First Faucet
Upon reaching the Water Temple, interact with the Zonai Pedestal, which will inform you of the need to activate four faucets. To the left of the Zonai Pedestal, you’ll notice Stone Blocks leading to a platform above.

Jump from one block to another, making your way to the top. Don’t worry about the gaps between these blocks, as the low gravity on this temple allows for easy jumps. After climbing, defeat the construct on the platform.

On this platform, there will be a pool in the middle and a ball in it.

Right next to the pool, there will be a Water Bubble Machine that we will use to transport the ball from this platform to the platform just above it, the Bubble Machine will have sludge on it, use a splash of fruit to clean the device, so that it starts working.

When the machine produces a Water Bubble use Ultrahand and place the Ball in the pool and place it into the Water Bubble, once placed the ball will travel to the upper platform, use the next Water Bubble for yourself and fly onto the next platform.

On the next platform, you will see a hole in the pool where the ball is supposed to go but instead, it floats on the top, so we need to flush out the pool, to do that we need to use Ultra hand to slide out a Flush Switch which will allow the water in the pool to flush.

Once all the water flushes the ball goes to the pit and the door leading to the turbine valve opens up, now the problem here is that when you try to leave the switch falls into the pit causing the pool to fill up again, and the door gets closed again.
Just nearby there will be hovering blocks, use Ultra hand and attach those hovering blocks to the top of this Flush Swithc, it will keep the switch from falling in.

Now use Sidon’s Water Ability to turn the turbine valve mechanism which opens the First Faucet.

Second Faucet
Go to the edge of the platform behind the Flush Switch. Look down, and you’ll see a fire. Glide down to that area, and use Sidon’s Water Ability to pass through the fire.

The fire will cover a doorway, Use Sidon’s Water Ability to pass through the fire, near the door there will be an Orange Switch, Ground Pound the button to put out the fire.

Inside on the left side will be the pit for the ball, and on the right side will be the Turbine Valve behind the closed door, to open the door we need to put the ball into the pit, the ball itself is further down into the room.

Use the Hovering Blocks in front of you to get to the ball on the other side, once you get there attach the ball to a Hoverstone.

Once attached use the Ultrahand to carry the ball towards the pit above near the fiery entrance we came from. Use Hovering Blocks to climb up to where we came from. Adjust the position of the Hovering Blocks using Ultra hand so you can jump on those and climb up, also dont forget the ball.

Once you are up, reseat the ball into the pit by using Ultrahand.

Now that the ball is in the pit the door for the Turbine Valve will open, use Sidon’s Water Ability to turn the valve and Second Faucet will get activated.

Third Faucet
For the Third Faucet return to the Main Platform of the Temple, on the right side of the Zonai Pedestal, you will see a Water Bubble Machine.

Just right on top, you will see an opening covered by mud, use the Splash Fruit arrow to clear out mud so that the water starts flowing, glide into the waterfall, and swim up towards the platform above.

On the upper platform clear out the Fire enemy on the right, after that turn left and you’ll see Water Bubble on Blocks, get into the Bubble and Use Recall so that the Bubble takes you to the next platform above.

Upon reaching the upper platform, you’ll see a broken circuit in front and a Water Wheel on the right, inside the pit of the wheel will be two slabs.

We need to start this water wheel, attach those two slabs to the wheel so that water can make contact with the wheel.

Now use Ultrahand to link the wheel and the Waterfall. Once the turbine is up and running move forward to the broken circuit near the Water Bubble Nearby, and place it between the circuits, this will allow the current to flow and the door will be opened right next to the circuit. Use Sidon’s Water Ability to turn the Valve, which will open up the Third Faucet.

Fourth Faucet
For the Fourth and last Faucet, we need to go to another platform, just take a boost from the spinning wheel we just fixed then swim up the waterfall and glide onto the platform on the right.

When you reach this platform, take out the constructs and the other enemies, now the Valve room is submerged under water and we need to flush out the water so we can access the room. On the platform, you will see a Fast-Spinning Stony Structure, An open side of this spinning structure is covered with mud.

Use Ultrahand to lift a Hovering Block and place it next to the spinning block, climb on top of the block, you will need to use the Splash Fruit arrow first to clear the mud, and then another arrow for the switch, jump and aim so the time slows down, once you hit the switch after clearing the mud, the water in the pool will flush and the door for the last valve will open.

Use Sidon’s Water Ability to turn the Valve.

Return to the main area of the Water Temple and interact with the Zonai Pedestal all the mud and sludge will wash away, and the Wind Temple Boss Muktorok will appear.

How to defeat Muktorok?
After Muktorok appears it will quickly convert into a giant shark, as a shark Muktorok will jump into the air, and as soon as it hits the ground a tide of mud and sludge will be produced, which will cause damage if you come in contact with it. One other move that Muktorok will pull off in the fight is that it will Shoot mud through its mouth across the platform.

You need to use Sidon’s Water Ability on Muktorok’s Shark form, and Muktorok will return to its basic form, then you can shoot an arrow at it so it gets stunned allowing you more time to hit it with arrows, In its original form Muktorok will lose health fairly quickly.
Once Muktorok is at 50% Hp, it will use its last move by shooting off mud all over the platform, clear the area for yourself by using Sidon’s Abiltiy or The Splash Fruit, then just repeat the process of stunning Muktorok and hitting it with arrows or your strongest weapon, and finally, Muktorok will be defeated and you can collect the Heart Container.