Atropos is a place where rare goods from all over the Sea of Procyon are traded. It holds two unique questlines and a rare collectible item, Masterpiece #34, which will entice you to visit this island multiple times.

Where is Atropos Island Located?
It is located on the western part of the world map beyond the Wall of Procyon, west of the continent South Vern and in the lower region of the Ashtarte Ocean. Start sailing from Bellion Ruins Port to reach here quickly.
- Admission Period: Always Open
- Recommended Item Level Reached: 460
- Access beyond the Wall of Procyon is mandatory.

- One of the quests here requires a lot of sailing to other continents, so prepare your ship accordingly.
- Emote: Pray is required to complete the Co-op quest here.
How to Get Atropos Island Soul?
Atropos Island Soul is an RNG drop obtained from Wish Pouch. Wish Pouch is obtained by throwing Lynnis Commemorative Coins in the fountain located in the middle of Atropos. These specific coins are a reward for completing the Una’s Task on this island. You might have to grind for days before you acquire the Island Soul, as it is an RNG drop.
Note: Una’s Task on Atropos is unlocked after completing the first questline here.

Atropos Island First Questline
Conversate with Rookie Merchant Chloe to start this quest. Talk to Veteran Merchant named Bogun Shandars to join the Delta. Sign the contract and talk with Bogun again to finish the quest. Below is a list of the rewards for this quest:
- Silver x4500
- Pirate Coin x750
- Legendary – Uncommon Card Pack x2

Secretive Shelter Keeper
Talk with Haven Keeper Nerro to start this quest. As he cannot speak, you must communicate by reading the notes he will provide you with and then talk to the guild manager Giorno afterward. Report back to Nerro to finish the quest. Rewards are listed below:
- Silver x6000
- High Seas Coin Chest x2
- Pirate Coin x1000

Haven Keeper’s Secret
Get this quest instantly after completing the last quest. Communicate with Nerro and go to the Port—hand over the sack to the Suspicious Man. Return to Nerro to finish this quest. Here are the rewards of concluding this quest:
- Silver x6000
- High Seas Coin Chest x2
- Pirate Coin x1000

Betrayal of Trust
Talk with Manager Giorno to start this quest. He will ask you to talk with Orlando standing on the Port. Talk with Leader Gerion standing beside Orlando, and use Emote: Angry. Return to Nerro to finish this quest. This quest’s rewards are listed below:
- Silver x6000
- High Seas Coin Chest x2
- Pirate Coin x1000

Atropos Island Second Questline
Becoming an Official Merchant
Start the quest by talking to Veteran Merchant Bogun Shandars and help three different Merchants on Atropos. After helping those merchants talk with Veteran Merchant Bogun Shandars to finish the quest and receive the following Rewards:
- Silver x4500
- Pirate Coin x750
- Legendary – Uncommon Card Pack x3

An Errand for Maryin
Deliver food from Maryin’s shop to Storage Keeper Klaus, who is standing nearby. Talk with Klaus to complete this quest. The rewards for this quest consist of the following:
- Silver x3000
- Pirate Coin x500
- Delta Merchant’s Referral

An Errand for Doris
Attract the customer by using Emote: Dance, Sway, or Cute near Doris’s shop. Talk to Doris to finish this quest. Rewards for doing this quest include:
- Silver x3000
- Pirate Coin x500
- Delta Merchant’s Referral

An Errand for Bildersoll
Pick up the scattered screws and nails in front of Bildersoll’s shop. Talk with Bill to finish this quest. Rewards for completing this quest are:
- Silver x3000
- Pirate Coin x500
- Delta Merchant’s Referral

Grand Initiation Ritual
Talk with Veteran Merchant Bogun Shandars to start this quest. He will tell you to trade three beans from the Alakkir Merchant. You will receive a well-dried haystack after talking with him. You will travel to the following locations for this quest.
- To Shushire!: Go to Rigen Village and trade your well-dried haystack for Polar Glacier Core with the Rigens [Potion Merchant].
- To Arthetine!: Go to Totrich and trade your Glacier Core for Golden Flower Cactus Oil with repairer Temma [Totrich merchant].
- To Vern!: Go to Vern Castle and trade your Cactus Oil for Cloud-embroidered Cloth with Dalhyun [Vern Castle merchant].
- To Anikka!: Go to Delphi Township and trade your Cloud-embroidered Cloth for Fantasy Fruit with Yeonran [Delphi Township merchant].
- To Tortoyk!: Go to Mokoko Village and give your Fantasy Fruit to Supisu [Cook].

After doing this task in Tortoyk, head to Battlebound Plains (Luttera) and talk with Bogun Shandars. Look through the Memorial on Lynnis’s Path to remember his spirit and conversate with Bogun again. The last thing left will be to submit the results of this ritual to Atropos to conclude this quest. When you complete this quest, you will receive the following:
- +3 Courage
- Lynnis Commemorative Coin x3
- High Seas Coin Chest x4
- Pirate Coin x4000
- Silver x24000
Atropos Island Co-op Quest
A Perilous Path
Use Emote: Pray 12 times on the Lynnis statue located on the northernmost part of the island to finish this quest. Complete this quest 25 times to get the title ‘Follower’ and +3 Courage.

Una’s Task in Atropos – Examining The Ship
What’s in the Ship
- Investigate the ship from Allakir Island.
- Investigate the ship from Slime Island.
- Investigate the ship from Crescent Isle.
Report to Rescue Leader Orlando after the investigation to finish this quest. You get Lynnis Commemorative Coin x3 as a reward every time you complete this quest.
Note: Throw these coins in the fountain to receive Wish Pouches.
- Tier 1 [10 Reputation Points]: Rewards with Silver x3000.
- Tier 2 [20 Reputation Points]: Rewards with Silver x6000.
- Tier 3 [40 Reputation Points]: Rewards with Mederiel’s Letter, Stat Increase Potion, and Silver x13000.

The Bambiri Merchant Guild – Mederiel’s Letter
Get this quest item after completing the third tier of Una’s Task. When you accept this quest item, The Bambiri Merchant Guild will start. Meet Mederiel, who visited Atropos, and talk to the Tuleu afterward. Tell the situation to Orlando, and go back to Tuleu with Mederiel. Use Emote: Dance with Tuleu to finish the quest. Completing this quest will unlock a Trade Merchant Contract (Tuleu) in Stronghold.
Merchants in Atropos Island
Shady Merchant [Masterpiece #34 Exchange]
This merchant is located in the hidden area of Atropos; he spawns every 1-2 hours. You must have 75 Kindness in order to access his shop.
Item Sold | Limit | Item Cost |
Masterpiece # 34 | 1 | Pirate Coin x30,000 |
Guardian Stone Fragment (Bound) | Weekly Limit 5/5 | Pirate Coin x20 |
Destruction Stone Fragment (Bound) | Weekly Limit 2/2 | Pirate Coin x100 |

Brandy [Crew Employer]
All of these Crews can be bought for Pirate Coin x20040.
Item Sold | Item Cost |
Crew Application Form: Belrod | Pirate Coin x20,040 |
Crew Application Form: Bertoge | Pirate Coin x20,040 |
Crew Application Form: Checker | Pirate Coin x20,040 |
Crew Application Form: Jacob | Pirate Coin x20,040 |
Crew Application Form: Rosa | Pirate Coin x20,040 |
Crew Application Form: Rukyruky | Pirate Coin x20,040 |
Crew Application Form: Scodel | Pirate Coin x20,040 |
Crew Application Form: Yozo | Pirate Coin x20,040 |
Other Merchants like Alakkir, Astella, Crescent Isle, Death’s Hold Island, Goblin Island, Monte Island, and Slime Island exchange items with the currency used on that specific island.
Atropos Island Mokoko Seeds Location
Mokoko Seed #1
The first seed can be found on the southernmost part of the island, hidden inside the orange bush beside the crates.

Mokoko Seed #2
The second seed can be found in the hidden tavern in the southern part of the island. Leap through two gaps and enter the tavern. You’ll find the seed behind a barrel.

Mokoko Seed #3
The third seed can be found in the second hidden tavern just beside the first one, which can be accessed after interacting with the painting.

Mokoko Seed #4
The fourth seed is hidden behind a wall in the secret room located in the northeastern part of the island. Keep moving until you reach the end of the road; there, you will find an opening to enter this room.