Thunder Breathing is a strong-fast breathing style in Project Slayers. It helps you land strong blows and move really quickly. To learn this technique, you need to meet certain requirements and complete some tasks. In this guide, we’ll explain the steps to learn Thunder Breathing and maximize its power.
Requirements for Unlocking Thunder Breathing
Make sure your character meets these requirements before learning the Thunder Breathing technique:
- Your character must be at least Level 12.
- Wens needed: 5,000 Wen to pay for the training sessions with Jigoro Kuwajima.
Step-by-Step Guide
Follow these steps to acquire the Thunder Breathing technique:
Step 1: Reach Level 12
Progress through the game by completing quests, defeating enemies, and mining ores to achieve Level 12.
Step 2: Obtain 5,000 Wen
Collect Wen by finishing quests, selling items, and mining ores.
Step 3: Locate Zapiwara Mountain
Head to the northeastern part of the map to find Zapiwara Mountain.

Step 4: Meet Jigoro Kuwajima
Seek out Jigoro Kuwajima, the Thunder Breathing trainer, situated near the top of Zapiwara Mountain.
Step 5: Complete Training Tasks
- Practice Aim: Visit the Butterfly Mansion and engage in a mini-game to enhance your precision.
- Train Lungs: Meditate by aligning bars to strengthen your lung capacity.

- Train Body: Perform push-ups using the indicated keys.
- Dodge Thunder: Stand in marked circles and dodge incoming lightning bolts.
- Defeat Zanegutsu: Challenge and defeat Zanegutsu Kuuchie, a Thunder Breathing practitioner.
Step 6: Defeat Zanegutsu Kuuchie Boss
Engage Zanegutsu in a boss fight, utilizing tactics like tanking his attacks and executing air combos to overcome his speed and Thunder Breathing techniques.

Step 7: Unlock Thunder Breathing
After defeating Zanegutsu, you will unlock the Thunder Breathing technique.

Step 8: Utilize Thunder Breathing
- Access your sword’s Thunder Breathing moves, initially starting with Thunder Clap.
- Unlock additional attack moves by defeating enemies using Thunder Breathing and increasing your Thunder Mastery levels.
Move | Description | Damage | How to Avoid |
LRLRL combo | Zanegutsu swings his blade left and right, then pulls you into the air and kicks you into the ground. | 12 per hit | You can block this combo, like all M1/M2 combos. |
LLRLR combo | Zanegutsu swings left and right, then slams his blade into the ground, sending a shockwave your way. | 12 for first few hits, 24 for the shockwave | This combo is also blockable. |
RRLRL combo | Zanegutsu repeatedly slashes his sword before kicking you away. | 12 per hit, 24 for the kick | You can block this combo. |
Thunder Clap and Flash | Zanegutsu quickly unsheathes his blade and dashes toward you at blinding speeds, dealing 30 damage. | 30 | 12 for the first few hits, 24 for the shockwave |
Heat Lightning | Zanegutsu fires a bolt of electricity your way. | 23 | It block breaks, so your best bet is to stay close and block Thunder Clap and Flash. He uses this move if you’re far away or right after Thunder Clap and Flash. |
Thunder Clap and Flash: Sixfold | Zanegutsu repeats Thunder Clap and Flash 6 times in rapid succession, allowing him to blitz around the area before dealing the deciding blow. | 44 | It’s blockable since it’s basically Thunder Clap and Flash with more damage and range. |
Unlocking Thunder Breathing in Project Slayers gives you access to an impressive combat style. It boosts your speed and power, enhancing your abilities in the game.

To master Thunder Breathing, you’ll need practice and dedication. Tap into its full potential and become a strong force in the world of Project Slayers,