Godskin Apostles were entities that were under the cult of the Empyrean known as the Gloam-Eyed Queen, the Empyrean who wielded the power of Destined Death before being bested by Maliketh in a duel and the power later on sealed into Maliketh’s sword on Queen Marika’s order. They are supposed “children” of the Gloam-Eyed Queen and wield blackflame as the main source of their power.
Godskin Apostle appears for a total of FOUR times in the game, though two of them are not alone but accompanied by their notorious blob of a friend, the Godskin Noble.
All Locations Of Godskin Apostle
Divine Tower of Caelid Basement
The first one can be located in the basement of the Divine tower of Caelid. This may be a little complex but don’t fret; we got you covered!
Start off from Dragonbarrow West Site of Grace and make your way to the giant tower you see in front of you. Take your spirit steed Torrent and start to scale the tower. Start the tree roots leading to the ledge of the tower, slowly jump onto the next ledge and take the ladder up. Keep following the ledge, and you will find yourself climbing up many ladders, eventually finding an opening. There lies the Divine tower of Caelid Site of Grace. Follow the corridor left, and you will find yourself in a spiral abyss of a hollow pit with passageways connecting them. Jump onto the platforms and make your way down to the basement, one platform at a time. You will reach the platform’s core with nowhere to jump further; worry not because you stand on the mechanism that activates the lift that leads you to the destination. Follow the pathway, and you will find yourself at the Site of Grace called Divine tower of Caelid: Basement. Wasn’t so hard, was it?

Dominula, Windmill Village
This one is fairly easy, follow the path from the Site of Grace in the village leading upwards, and you will find yourself fighting with Godskin Apostle in the open.

Spiritcaller Cave
Make your way into the cave, running past or defeating the enemies in your way, where you will encounter the Godskin Duo but chronologically.
Dragon Temple, Crumbling Farum Azula
The last location where you will encounter the Godskin Duo.
Stats of Godskin Apostle
- Standard Attack = 0
- Slash Attack = -10
- Strike Attack = 10
- Pierce Attack = 0
- Lightning = 20
- Magic = 20
- Holy = 40
- Fire = 40
Absorption/Negation is the percentage of the damage of the attack dealt that will be blocked. For example, if you deal an attack that does 100 Fire damage to opponents due to Godskin Apostle’s 40 Negation, only 60 damage will be dealt.
- Poison = 154
- Death = Immune
- Frostbite = 112
- Hemorrhage = 112
- Scarlet Rot = 154
These are the numbers that need to be dealt with that specific status to affect the Godskin Apostle.
The Boss Fight
The boss is relatively easier than the path that leads to him; it starts off with a few sets of attacks that are easily dodgeable. The first phase can be comfortably beaten, while the second phase may take some toll.
Blackflame Orb
The Godskin Apostle in the first phase throws a ball of blackflame at you that is an AOE and deals quite some damage, but it can be dodged by rolling on either side.

Stabbing and Slashing attacks
The Godskin Apostle yields a twinblade with one end dealing a slashing attack while the other deals with thrusting and stabbing attacks; roll inwards to dodge these and get two to three hits off him, then roll back because he might go for the Spinning weapon.
Spinning Weapon
The Ash of War Spinning weapon is commanded by Godskin Apostle, and it is a very dangerous attack, especially for under-leveled players so as soon as that twinblade start to do 360s get out of the way and make a run. The other strategy is to run inwards and get hits off him while he’s in the animation. Repeat this process, and at around half his health, phase 2 will begin.

Phase 2
In phase 2 of this boss fight, the enemy will start stretching his body, becoming Monkey D Luffy, and going bananas in the ring, becoming really aggressive.
Blackflame Whirlwind
The boss will start to twirl his twinblade engulfed in blackflame above him, which will cause waves of blackflame to vortex and deal AOE damage on a big span. Run backward as soon as you see him charge this, as this can pretty much one-shot you or take a big chunk of your health.
Blackflame sweep attacks
He will make sweeping attacks with his weapon, and his body stretched, leaving behind a trail of blackflame. Get close to the lower part of his body and get to spamming normal attacks (R1, Right-Click).
Stretchy Spinning weapon
The boss will stretch out his torso and come at you with the spinning weapon attack while his lower body remains at the same spot; dodge the torso, get to the lower body, and deal damage.
For Ranged Users
We recommend an intelligence build, and this fight would be pretty easy. Be far from the boss and cast spells like Rock Sling or Comet Azure, and you can beat the boss without even receiving any damage.
Other Variations
The Godskin Duo can be a real pain as you have to fight both Wario and Luigi at the same time. We highly recommend killing Godskin Apostle first and then going after Godskin Noble as the Apostle is fast, and you would have room to breathe when fighting the Godskin Noble.
Tips and Recommendations
- Use heavy weapons such as claymores and greatswords to break the poise of the boss and attack him before him moving.
- Jump-charged attacks would break the boss’s posture and get riposte hit, dealing significant damage.
- The boss can be parried, but you would have to parry him twice to break his posture.
- Aim for the lower body and roll the spinning weapon attacks, and you will beat him in no time.
Dominula, Windmill Village
- 14,000 runes
- Godskin Peeler(A twinblade that scales primarily off of Dexterity and strength, pretty decent.)
- Scouring Black Flame(An incantation that deals AOE damage and places flames in front of the player that deals damage to the opponent.)
Divine Tower of Caelid Godskin Apostle
- 94,000 runes
- Godskin Apostle Set(A lightweight set that provides little physical and magical resistance, do not recommend.)
Crumbling Farum Azula Godskin Duo
- 170,000 runes
- Smithing Stone Miner’s bell bearing[4]
- Ash of War: Black Flame Tornado(Deals Blackflame AOE damage depending on the amount of time charged)
Spiritcaller Cave Godskin Duo
- 70,000 runes
- Godskin Swaddling Cloth(Hp talisman)
- Blackflame Ritual(An incantation that deals fire damage over time)