Fire Giant is a boss in Elden Ring that players MUST defeat in order to progress through the story and reach the Forge of the Giants. It is said that the Fire Giant is the last surviving giant, as all the giants before were slain as they were a threat to Marika’s reign. They had the power of flame of ruin, a powerful flame found within giants that could burn down the Erdtree, the root of all life. The Golden Order then waged war on them, and Marika slayed the God of the Giants and placed the last surviving giant to guard the Forge of Giants for eternity.
Location of the Fire Giant
The Fire Giant is located at the Forge of the Giants in the Mountain Top of the Giants area of the game. To get there, you need to access the Grand Lift of Rold and make your way to the Church of Repose Site of Grace. It’s pretty much straightforward from there as you follow the path with those frozen giants that leads into the goblet arena that holds the Fire Giant, confined to the mountaintop by Marika’s curse.
Stats and Combat Information
- Health: 43,263
- Poise: 120
- Standard Attack: 0
- Stab/Pierce Attack: 0
- Slash Attack: -10
- Strike Attack: 0
- Fire Attack: 50
- Magic Attack: 0
- Lightning Attack: 0
- Holy Attack: 20
The Absorption/Negations are the numbers of damage of that specific attack that will be absorbed or negated. For example, if you deal the Fire Giant an attack that deals 100 damage, only 50 damage will be dealt, while the other 50 will be negated.
- Poison: 565.7
- Hemorrhage: 565.7
- Frostbite: 1,216.7
- Scarlet Rot: 565.7
- Sleep: 565.7
- Death Blight: Immune
- Madness: Immune
The resistances are the number of that attacks of the specific elements that need to be dealt with to have the enemy be affected by the status. For example, if you deal the Fire Giant 565.7 poison damage, only THEN will he be affected by this status.
Tips and Recommendations
- Use weapons that are infused with bleed, as the Fire Giant can be affected by this status rather easily.
- Use Mimic Tear Spirit Summon to tank the damage dealt by the boss and keep him distracted so you can attack him while he’s busy fighting your mirror.
- Keep between his legs to avoid getting caught up in his attacks.
The Boss Fight
This boss fight is not too difficult in terms of fast combos with follow-ups but rather an endurance fight since the Fire Giant can pretty much one-shot you at any moment if you’re caught up in his attacks. The fight starts off with him throwing a big pile of snow at you that can pretty much one-shot you; the play here is to be on torrent, your own beautiful steed, and double jump as soon as the snow reaches you to get out of its range.
The fight should be pretty much fought on horseback since you can get out his attacks in time without getting squished between his legs. Make your way close to the Fire Giant, get close to its left ankle, and start hitting it, as it is weaker and can cause the boss to be stunned. Stay between his legs, so you don’t get caught up in the rolling attacks or the AoE attacks.
Note: The boss has quite a few tools under his belt to be varied off.

Giantsflame, Take Thee
The Fire Giant sends out a fire projectile that is quite fast; the best way is to get on torrent or roll through to dodge it.
The Fire Giant stomps the ground, which can cause the player to be sent flying and can also one-shot under-leveled players, so make sure to roll as soon as the foot lands.
The boss rolls on the ground crushing the player if he gets in the way. Get behind the boss to not be caught up by it.

Flame of the Fell God
The Fire Giant sends out a big fire projectile orb that is homing and follows you, ride torrent and outrun it, eventually causing the spell to crumble and explode into the ground.

Burn, O Flame!
The Fire Giant slams his hands on the ground, causing fire AoE showers to burst out of the ground. As soon as you see him ignite his hands, run in the opposite direction to dodge it.

Swinging Lid
The Fire Giant swings his shield at the player, followed by another swinging attack. Roll into the lid and aim for his feet to counterattack.
Breath of the Fell God
The boss releases a fire breath from his mouth; the best way to deal with this attack is to make your way to his ankle through a circle from the outside and then attack it.
Flame Fall Upon Them
The Fire Giant releases magma rocks from his mouth, which can explode when in contact with the ground; get behind him quickly to dodge it.
Swipe Attack
The Fire Giant swipes his hand in either the left way or right way, rolling through the hand to dodge it.
Rewards for beating the Fire Giant
- 180,000 Runes.
- Remembrance of the Fire Giant(A great rune that can be either consumed for 30,000 Runes or channeled to get either of these two items.
- Giant’s Red Braid is a whip that is good for long-range fighters that can be infused with fire via its skill.
- Burn O Flame! is an incantation causing fire around the player, dealing fire damage to the nearby enemies.
What is the recommended level to beat the Fire Giant?
It is recommended that you be at least 110 level to beat the fire giant easily. You can easily attain that level by grinding the game before the actual boss fight.
Can you cheese the Fire Giant?
You could cheese him in the early version, but after the update 1.03, they removed it from the game, and you would have to beat the boss fair and square.
Is Fire Giant working for Marika?
The Fire Giant is not working for Marika, but rather, he is placed in a curse to guard the Forge of the Giants.