In the world of Dragon Ball Xenoverse, you must increase your friendship meter with your mentors or instructors to unlock many abilities and rewards, among other things. Though it takes some time, maxing out friendships with every mentor is not difficult. This guide will cover every possible way to help you up your friendship meter.
How to Increase Friendship Level?
To increase the meter quickly, follow the tips mentioned below:
Interact With Characters
A critical aspect of the game is interacting with different characters that will provide valuable information or any gift you can use to increase your friendship level with your favorite mentor. This may also hint you about the different items that they like. [Source 2] Interacting with the characters in the clothes associated with them will be an effective method to increase the friendship level.
Giving Gifts
If you know what the mentor likes and dislikes, you can gift them different items according to their preferences. You may acquire these gifts in a quest or buy them from the Item Shop. You must choose the gift carefully to make a notable difference on the friendship meter. To help you out with that, the item shop has listed them according to the character’s name.
To gift them an item, interact with that specific character and find the option for “Gift” to hand it over.
Train With Mentors
You can increase the friendship meter and improve your skill as a fighter by training with the mentor after locating him in Conton City.
Parallel Quests
The most exciting part of the game is completing parallel quests with your favorite character. If you choose the right mentor to fight with, you can win the quest by a higher rank, which has higher gains towards your friendship meter with that mentor.
These are all the methods you can use to level up your friendship with any character, but remember to interact with the mentors after every questline to gain more points to your friendship meter.
What is the best parallel quest to attempt to increase friendship level?
At number 23, you will find the quest “The Explosion of Namek,” the best Parallel Quest. It is easy and can be completed quickly, which allows you to reattempt it many times. This quest may also award you dragon balls.
How do you check your progress in the friendship meter?
If you go to the play data tab in the game, you will find every unlocked mentor’s icon and a meter beside them, which indicates the level of friendship you have built. Once you fill the meter of a character by following the strategies mentioned earlier, a “Max” message will appear beside the respective mentor’s icon.