Upgrading your builds, and having the necessary resources, is essential for your progress in Spiritfarer. Silica Powder is one of the things you’ll need for ship upgrades and more, but acquiring it can be troublesome. In this guide, I’ll tell you about Silica Powder and how you can get it in Spiritfarer.
You’ll need Silica Powder for future quests, ship upgrades, and soul storage. You can craft Silica Powder by mashing the Quartz Shard in the Crusher, which I’ll explain throughout the guide.

How to Get Silica Powder
The first step for getting Silica Powder is crafting a Crusher on your ship, which you can only do by upgrading your ship’s Blueprint Stand to the Expert level. Crafting a Crusher will take 7 Pulsar Ingots, 15 Ash Planks, and 5 Zinc Ingots. Now, simply go to the Crusher and use a Quartz Shard. Mash it and make Silica Powder for a vast amount of uses.