There are a total of three artificer abilities that apply useful buffs and can drastically enhance your gaming experience. Obtaining each of them can be time consuming however in this guide, we will tell you how to get all the artifacts on artificer quickly.
Artifact skills on Artificer:
The very first thing you need to do is to select the artificer and make sure you have already unlocked the ‘Artifact of Kin’ and the ‘Artifact of Swarm’.

If you don’t have these artifacts unlocked, you can simply unlock them using these codes.

When you get into the game make sure that the enemies that are spawning are the ‘Beetle’ and the ‘Lemurian’ if not you can then restart the game until you get them.

Upon getting them, navigate toward the teleporter and start the teleporter.

Now run around in circles until you are surrounded by enough enemies to fill the teleporter activation zone and let them kill you. make sure you are in the air while your HP is drained.

Upon doing that, you will see all the skills of the artificer unlocked.

That’s pretty much it. I hope you found this guide helpful. Please let us know if you find any trouble unlocking the artifact skills on artificer.