The “Ree Dahee Shrine” is located in the Dueling Peaks area, in this area, a river flows through the Dueling Peaks, and just below the mountain along the river, there’ll be a small ridge, on that ridge is the “Ree Dahee Shrine”. The Shrine’s Location is marked on the map below.
How to solve the “Ree Dahee Shrine” Puzzle?
The puzzle in the shrine is called “Time is critical”, when you enter the shrine there will be a weight switch in front of you, stand on top of it so the puzzle gets started, as soon as you stand on it, the big flat block in front of you will tilt downwards, allowing the ball on top of it to roll down into the pit below.
Once that is done, a small flying platform will travel towards you, step on that platform and it will take you towards the next panel.
Upon reaching the next panel, you’ll notice two flat blocks now, step on the weight switch in front, by doing this only the block above will tilt downwards, and the ball on the upper block will start rolling
Now the trick here is that you need to step off the weight switch at the right time so that the ball lands on the next block just below it otherwise it will continue and fly off.
Once the ball lands on the block below, it will roll into the pit, the flying platform just on the left of the switch will take you to the next panel.
This next part of the puzzle is almost like the puzzle we’ve just completed, what you need to do here is that you need to jump the ball up onto the block in front.
Step on the weight switch so the platform tilts downward, once it does the ball will start rolling, as soon as the ball is about to reach the end of the block, step off of the weight switch so that the ball doesn’t fall off and lands into the pit in front by doing a little jump.
The platform on your left will get activated step on it and get to the last panel.
Before going in to take the spirit orb you can collect a chest if you like to, follow these steps if you need to open the chest.
First, on the next panel use magnesis to lift a barrel placed on the block below,
Then step on the platform you just came on to this panel and go back to the previous panel so you can put the barrel on the weight switch
Once the barrel is placed the block will tilt downwards, the other end of the block will be in an upward position allowing you to access the chest above just run to it and open the chest.
Once the chest is collected, run down the block, and go toward the place where you used magnesis to lift the barrel, there will be stairs there, climb those stairs.
Once you climb those stairs, walk into the room in front and acquire your spirit orb.