In this article, we will answer popular user questions related to Outpath. We interviewed the developer of Outpath, @David, to answer these questions. You can read the answers down below and ask more questions if required in the comments down below.
Is Outpath Multiplayer?
No! Outpath is a single-player game only. However, developer of this game @David confirmed on Discord that multiplayer co-op will be added to the game in future.
What are the different biomes in Outpath?
There are currently 6 different biomes available in Outpath:-
- Aqua Islands (Grasslands)
- Autumn Islands (Amberpath)
- Desert Islands (Old dust)
- Haunted Islands (Unseen)
- Snow Islands (White Peaks)
- Sky Islands (Sky)
Developer stated that they might add more biomes in future, but for now these 6 biomes are available in Outpath. Learn more about these biomes on Fandom (
Where are Save Files located for Outpath?
Save files of Outpath are located in this directory:C:\Users\NAME\AppData\LocalLow\DAVII PROJECTS\Outpath
Save files are in .es3
Note: Please make a backup of your save file before you try to do any experiments. There are many reports of players trying to use save file with Outpath: First Journey and getting their save file corrupted.
How to obtain living souls in Outpath?
To get living souls, you have to make a scythe and kill things with it. You can build scythe using anvil, simply progress through main equipment progression.

Is Outpath available on Android or iOS?
Unfortunately, Outpath is not currently available on Android or iOS, and there are no plans to release it on these platforms in the future. Quote from developer @David on this question:
I am not sure yet, it will probably not release on Android or iOS
David (Developer of Outpath) on Discord
How do I research new technologies in Outpath?
You will need to build a research table and once you have complete that there is another advanced research table.
How to Fish in Outpath?
You have to use a fishing rod, hold left click and the white thing will go to the other way. Keep the fish in the white segment of the circle. Prioritize chests if you see them.

How to Get black bones in Outpath?
To get black bones, you first have to build an inscription table and unlock biome 2.

How to Get Bees in Outpath?
Craft a bug net and bees will appear at day time in the second biome.

Tip: Kill animals to keep the amount spawned below 15, so more can spawn.
How to obtain Quadstones?
You need to use a fuser and mix 4 gems and a glass.

Leave more questions in the comment section to get them added in our article. Thanks for reading!