Lopang Island is a house to one of the biggest shipping companies in Lost Ark. The Island rewards you with tons of Silver and doesn’t include any fighting, so you can come here to take a breather after the grind.
Where is Lopang Island Located?
Lopang Island is located directly east of North Vern, just south of Pleccia. Peyto and Erasmo’s Island can be found close to it.
- Admission Period: Always Open
- Recommended Item Level Reached: 250

- You will need a Strong-Durable Ship as the quests require you to deliver packages to different continents.
How to get Lopang Island Soul?
Lopang Island Soul is a reward for completing the quest An Important Personage. However, unlocking this requires you to complete one specific Una task six times.

Lopang Island Main Quests
Lopang Inc.

To start this quest, talk with the Senior Manager Jasni of the courier company. After accepting the quest, receive the contract from TR-011. Meet Sarahan at the office and sign the contract to finish this quest. After you complete this quest, you’ll receive the following:
- Silver x9300
- Wisdom +1
Blooming Passion

Get this quest instantly after completing the last one from Sarahan. Attach delivery address stickers on eight boxes outside the office. Talk to Foreman Gallec, move the package to Warehouse 1, and give Seolhwa’s Ledger to Foreman Lavinski, located in Warehouse 2. Return to Jasni to receive the following rewards for completing this quest:
- Silver x9,300
- Wisdom +1
The Wind at Your Back

Jasni offers you this quest. Talk with Lassena and read his letter. Afterward, deliver the letter to Jasni. Lassena will then explain the job and give you a test. Choose the following options:
- Arthetine
- Sea of Geinah
- Customers
Passing this test will complete this quest and unlock Una’s tasks on Lopang Island. Rewards:
- Silver x9300
Labor Violations

Start this quest by talking with Mage Niedel. It is a time trial quest to identify four boxes in areas marked on the map. It would be best to stay in only one place as the boxes respawn even if they explode. Report back to Niedel after identifying the boxes to finish the quest. Upon concluding this quest, you will get the following:
- Silver x22,000
- Courage +3
A Small Mage’s Big Picture

This is another time trail quest given by Niedel. You must find a moving box, usually located on the western side of the island. Hit him with the magick bullet to make him follow you toward Gallec. Talk with Niedel to conclude this quest. This quest’s reward is listed below:
- Silver x22,000

An Important Personage
Get this quest from Jasni and talk with Chairman Sion. Register your name in Lopang Database, which will trigger a small cutscene. Talk with Sion again and return to Jasni. He will tell you to operate Lynnis’s Eye, a machine beside him. Operate it and talk to Jasni again to finish the quest. Once you wrap up this quest, you will get the following:
- Silver x9,400
- Gold x100
- Lopang Island Soul

Una’s Task in Lopang Island – Special Delivery
Accept these quests from the Una taskbar and operate the shipping consoles of each continent. Prepare yourself to be a courier in the open seas of Lost Ark. All these quests will require you to travel to different continent ports. Once you arrive at any of the ports, talk with the specific NPC for delivery to finish the quest.

Note: You must complete one specific Una’s Task 6 times to unlock the final quest, An Important Personage, which will ultimately grant you the Island Soul.
We recommend you put Bifrost in Lopang Island to return quickly after delivering all packages and use Ocean Liner, which is available in ports of the main continents. It would only cost you some Silver to reach other continents easily without even using your own ship.

This task has four different tiers in which the process is the same, but the rewards are even better.
- Tier One – 10 Reputation Points: Rewards with Silver x2,000.
- Tier Two – 50 Reputation Points: Rewards with Silver x9,000.
- Tier Three – 100 Reputation Points: Rewards with Silver x18,000.
- Tier Four – 150 Reputation Points: Rewards with Vitality Increase Potion, Melody of the Sea: Brahms, Craft Recipe: Messenger Pigeon Post and Silver x27,000.
Melody of the Sea: Brahms
This is an additional quest received after completing the fourth tier of Una’s task in Lopang Island. Accept the quest item Melody of the Sea: Brahms from your inventory. There is nothing complicated in this quest, just read the letter you received from Jasni, and the Brahms will be unlocked. Brahms is a beautiful, decent ship with high resistance to hazardous waters and will surely make your sea adventures much easier.
Lopang Island Mokoko Seeds
Mokoko Seed One
The first seed can be found inside the barn.

Mokoko Seed Two and Three
The second and third seeds are found in the secret room beyond the Lopang Office.