Bought a pet and can’t seem to equip it? Well, worry not in this guide we’ll show you where to buy a pet and how to equip it.
How to Equip and Use Pets in Wobbly Life?
In order to equip a pet in Wobbly Life, you need to visit a Pet store in either the Rural Area or Paradise Island. It can be found at the far north side of Farm Island in the Rural Area. While in Paradise Island, it can be found in the central area.

Once you reach a Pet Store, you need to buy the pet you wish to equip. However, some pets cannot be bought until you have completed a certain challenge for them. The prices on the pets range from 500$ to 1200$. Once the pet is purchased, it’ll automatically be equipped. Now, if you wish to switch between any pet that you have bought, just simply interact with the NPC available near the exit of any pet store. This NPC can also show you all the pets you have purchased.

That’s all for this guide. Hopefully, it was somewhat helpful for you. Thanks for reading and Have Fun!