Rhodeia of Loch, often called “Oceanid,” is a World Boss challenge in Genshin Impact. She is a Lochfolk that came from Fontaine, a Hydro nation. She acted as an informant/spy for her Archon and provided a connection for the people of her land. Her hatred towards other young Lochfolk turned most water sources between the lands of Mondstadt and Liyue bitter, destroying Marine life in the process.

Where is Rhodeia of Loch Located?
Rhodeia (Oceanid) is located in the northern part of the Bishui Plain in Liyue, just east of the Qingce Village.

Recommended Characters
- Yoimiya
- Amber
- Xiangling
- Ayaka
- Yae Miko
- Ganyu
- Hu Tao
- Bennet
- Keqing
- Yanfei
- Chongyun
- Raiden Shogun
- Tighnari
- Nahida
Any team with the above characters should be able to defeat Rhodeia with not much trouble.

Rhodeia of Loch (Oceanid) Attacks and Counters
The Myriad Wilds
Sends hydro bubbles each bubble lands on a different random platform. These orbs are made of water and transform into a random type of Hydro Mimic.

Sinking Platform
This only occurs after two waves of Myriad Wilds are defeated. Rhodeia chooses two random platforms and dives into them, making them sink underwater. If you are on the platform she chooses to dive into, you will take 50% ATK as Hydro Damage.
Note: The middle tile/platform is always safe during this.

Tide and Torrent
If you take too long to defeat a specific wave of Hydro Mimics, Rhodeia creates a whirlpool below the player, which follows them, dealing 50% of ATK as Hydro DoTand later explodes, dealing 200% of ATK as Hydro Damage.

Strategy – Types of Hydro Mimics
Rhodeia has a shield around herself, making her immune to all types of damage. She either Launches Hydro Mimics or goes down to sink platforms underwater. The Hydro Mimics are completely immune to hydro damage. They imitate wildlife creatures and the best way to damage them is using Cryo and Pyro characters; Electro and Dendro are also very effective. Their permanent Hydro status means that reactions like “Vaporize,” “Bloom,” or “Freeze” is perfect for defeating them.
Before Starting the fight, We highly recommend using a bow/catalyst user that is either Electro/Pyro or Cryo, e.g., Yae Miko, Yoimiya, Ganyu, or Tighnari. Zhongli’s Stone Steles and Albedo’s Solar Isotoma skills will not work in the area.
Hydro Mimic Boar
Ram the player up close or charge at the player from afar. They can also continuously heal themselves. They need to be quickly defeated first because they can heal.

Hydro Mimic Crab
These tend to walk perpendicularly around the player while spewing bubbles from their claws dealing constant Hydro Damage. They do occasionally stop to rest, which is your chance to attack.

Hydro Mimic Crane
They are creatures that attack the player from afar, flapping their wings to create powerful Hydro waves. If approached, they may back off.

Hydro Mimic Finch
Always attack by jumping at or plunging toward the player. Their attacks can be dodged by running away when they jump into the air.

Hydro Mimic Raptor
Flying creatures swoop down on the player to slash at them. Require bow/catalyst users to be defeated.

Hydro Mimic Ferret
It performs Rapid swings against the player and also heals itself.

Hydro Mimic Frog
They either shoot ranged waves or plunge at the player.

Hydro Mimic Mallard
Ducks with a hydro vortex underneath them which deals rapid Hydro DMG to players inside the radius. Most Mimics are summoned as a Duo, meaning they fight in pairs of 2, while the others are indicated in brackets above.

Among these, the more troublesome types are Raptors, Flinches, and Frogs. Flinches and Frogs transform into a Hydro bomb once defeated; this bomb deals massive damage if hit. Players must move even further away than indicated by the game’s AoE indicator to dodge it. Another way to dodge the attack is diving into the water at the right time to be underwater when the attack hits. One tip is to defeat Flinches and Frogs near the edge, giving you more space to run. Raptors, on the other hand, are birds always in the air, so you need a bow/catalyst user to defeat them; there is no other way.
There are three achievements one can get from the Oceanid.
- Hydro Hunter: Defeat all the types of Hydro Mimics that an Oceanid can summon.
- Dip, Duck, Dive, Dodge: Defeat the Oceanid without being hit by the water bombs left behind by certain Hydro Mimics once they die.
- A Fish called Rhodeia: Defeat the Oceanid in Co-op mode.

Once the last wave is over, and the Oceanid goes back underwater, A Trounce Blossom will grow up from the ground, which is used to claim rewards for defeating the Oceanid. Claiming the rewards once requires 40 Original Resin, and the possible rewards are as follows(depending on your world level):
Character Ascension Material
- Cleansing Heart (1-3, Depends on World Level)
- Varunada Lazurite Sliver
- Varunada Lazurite Fragment
- Varunada Lazurite Chunk
- Varunada Lazurite Gemstone
- Adventurer Set (2* – 3*)
- Berserker Set (3* – 4*)
- The Exile Set (3* – 4*)
- Prayers for Destiny Set (3* – 4*)
- Gladiator’s Finale (4* – 5*)
- Wanderer’s Troupe (4* – 5*)
Other Basic Drops
- 200 Adventure EXP
- 30 – 45 Companionship EXP (Depending on World Level)
- 138 – 200 Character EXP (Depending on World Level)
- 3,450 – 6000 Mora (Depending on World Level)