Today, I will guide you on locating the Shee Vaneer Shrine and how to enter this shrine to claim the two spirit orbs. As you walk through the guide, you will realize that to obtain those two spirit orbs, you need to solve a puzzle connected with the second Shee Venath Shrine.
Shee Vaneer Shrine Location
These shrines can be found on the southern side of the ‘Dueling Peaks.’ You can enter the shrines by following these paths on the map.
Shee Vanner Shrine Puzzle
After entering the Shee Vanner Shrine, look for a sign saying, “Two shrines atop the Dueling Peaks are connected.” This means that the two shrines we discussed earlier are connected. To find the Eightfold Longblade Chest, take the elevator up and remember the layout area in the bowls. Solving the Shee Vaneer Shrine puzzle requires you to go to the other shrine and remember the pattern you got from the Shee Venath Shrine to solve the Area Bowls puzzle. If you don’t want to travel, I can provide you with the layout you’ll get from the Shee Venath Shrine.
To obtain the other spirit orb, you should solve the Shee Venath Shrine puzzle.