This is a side quest that unlocks in chapter two, “Leading you to explore houses for valuable collectibles. There are a total of seven different houses that you can loot. In this guide, we will provide you with the location of each one, so Follow this guide for detailed locations.
RDR2 robbery locations:
The very first location, where you will find your stash buried underground in a cabin is the ‘Chez Porter’.It can also be done with a companion.

The second place available for looting will be unlocked in chapter three at the second camp. Similarly, it can also be done with a companion and is known as ‘Lonnie’s Shack’

The third location where you can find easy stash is the ‘Aberdeen Pig Farm’ and simply interact with the giant farmer and slip through the back door

The fourth location where you can find the stash is the ‘Van Horn Mansion’. This location only allows looting a couple of times a week, so make sure to choose the right time.

The fifth location where you can find your promised stash is the ‘Catfish Jacksons.’ To get your loot, you only need to terrorize the second guy.

The penultimate location for the stash is ‘Watson’s Cabin’. All you need to do is to After taking the shotgun from the basement, leave the cabin. Return at night, prepared to deal with any potential threats

The final location to get your promised stash is the ‘Willard’s Rest.’ To collect your stash all you need to do is to teach the lady how to hunt and how to shoot.

That’s pretty much it. I hope you found this guide helpful. Please let us know if you find any trouble locating all the robbery locations.