If you are looking to unlock one of the best outfits of your class for your character in Hogwarts Legacy, you should do the Side Quest: The Daedalian Keys, where you have to find all the keys scattered throughout Hogwarts Castle. In this guide, I’ll tell you the exact location of all the 16 keys you need to unlock this outfit.
1st Key
You’ll find this key at the top of Astronomy Tower, marked after you talk with Nellie Oggspire.

2nd Key
You can find this key in the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom next to a rhino skeleton at the bottom of the stairs.

3rd Key
After traveling to Grand Staircase, you can find this key after walking down two sets of stairs.

4th Key
Travel to Bell Tower Courtyard, turn left, and go upwards on the first set of stairs. You will enter through a door from there, go up another set of stairs, and hopefully find the Daedalian Key.

5th Key
You can find this key on the left when entering the Great Hall. You can find the key in a cabinet after going up the stairs.

6th Key
You can find this key at the Quad Courtyard at the entrance of the Hogwarts area up the stairs by the Dragon Fountain.

7th Key
After going straight through the double doors, turn to your left in Potions Classroom, and you can find the key.

8th Key
This key can be found at the Central Hall after turning right and going up a set of three stairs. This key will be floating below the fourth staircase.

9th Key
After teleporting again at the Central Hall, go downstairs in front of you and towards the north of the fountain. The key will be near the Greenhouse doors.

10th Key
This key can easily be spotted in the Library between two bookshelves in the west part of the Library.

11th Key
Travel to the Great Hall, turn around and go through the big double doors. Keep going and progress through another big door and another, and you’ll find the key around the next stairs.

12th Key
Travel to Transfiguration Classroom. The key will be behind a dragon statue in the Hogwarts dungeon.

13th Key
You can find this key right in front of the sleeping dragon statue.

14th Key
Travel to Faculty Tower and head towards the Faculty Tower door. The key will be floating upstairs, but you’ll need Alohomora spell to get this Daedalian Key.

15th Key
After traveling to the Hospital Wing, go down the spiral staircase. The Key will be in the corridor to the right towards the Clock Tower.

16th Key

You can find this key on the lowest floor of the Clock Tower.