Royal Knight Loretta is a spiritual manifestation of Loretta, the Knight of Haligtree. She wields a polearm and uses sorceries and magic on her steed to guard Three Sisters, a sub-region of Liurnia of the Lakes. Let’s dive into the depths of the boss fight, its location, and further various details.
Elden Ring comprises of six main endings, and the Royal Knight Loretta boss is an optional boss fight establishing that it is not necessary to beat her to progress further in the game. To get the Age of Stars ending, the player must complete Ranni the Witch’s questline, triggered at Three Sisters, the aforementioned area accessed by beating the boss Royal Knight Loretta.
Royal Knight Loretta Location
Royal Knight Loretta is situated in Caria Manor of Liurnia of the Lakes. To be precise, it is near the north of the Manor Upper-Level Site of Grace. Just dash past the staircase consisting of a Giant Troll Knight and some small Pages to reach the boss arena, a circular coliseum harnessing the essence of Liurnia, leading to Three Sisters, guarded by the spirit, Royal Knight Loretta.

Royal Knight Loretta Stats
- Standard attack = 10
- Slash attack = 10
- Strike attack = 10
- Pierce attack = 10
- Magic = 40
- Fire = 40
- Lightning = 0 (recommended for ranged players)
- Holy = 20
Negation means that the amount of the aforementioned number will be blocked; for example, if a player deals 100 standard attack damage to Loretta, she will receive 90 damage as 10% of the damage will be negated.
Loretta is immune to a handsome number of status effects which are:
- Poison
- Scarlet Rot
- Frostbite
- Sleep
- Madness
- Hemorrhage
The Boss Fight
Loretta has an arsenal of tools and spells to throw at you, which may come off as aggressive and overwhelming but don’t worry, we got you covered.

Jumping Sweep attack
The boss fight begins with Loretta doing a jump-charged sweep attack and 4 AOE sword attacks (Carian Retaliation); it can be dodged by rolling under it, spamming the light attack twice, and then rolling backward again.
Glintstone sorceries
Loretta also uses a series of Glintstone pebble-esque shards which she throws at you from a range, and they are homing, though they can be easily dodged by rolling in either direction or sprinting.
Normal attack pattern
Loretta can do jumping overhead attacks instead of sweep attacks when she jumps; we advise you to dodge backward as she does follow-up combos with those and the I-frames windows are quite short. Whereas for the sweeping attacks, just either way, get in a few attacks, dodge backward, rinse and repeat.
Loretta’s Slash
In phase 1, she also does her Loretta Slash, which are two sweeping polearm attacks infused with magic. Dodge inwards for both slashes and attack, or just dodge away if it gets hard to get the timing right.
Loretta’s Greatbow
In phase 2, Loretta gets more aggressive and starts off with her signature Loretta’s Greatbow. It’s a giant aoe homing arrow that can one-shot players of a lower level. You can easily dodge this attack by rolling. Loretta’s amount of soul arrows also increases, and she throws more glintstone shards simultaneously and frequently. When Loretta is casting her spells, the player can get in a few hits and then run back too. Another huge tip for players is that you stay on the right side of Loretta as she does two-hit combos, whereas, on the left side, she does 3 hit or even goes up to 4 hit combos.

Magic build
Though we do not recommend a magic build for Loretta, as most types of spells have quite some negations and absorption, if you’re a ranged player with spells under your coat, just maintain a distance from the boss, fire some spells once she gets close dash to the other end of the arena, cast spells again, rinse and repeat.
Recommendation and tips
- We do not recommend using a shield as Royal Knight Loretta deals both physical and magic damage, so unless you have a shield that’s both 100% physical ad 100% magic resistant. You should opt for two handing the weapons or just not using any shield.
- Maintain a distance and attack when there is a large window.
- Use lightning sorceries, as she’s weak to lightning.
- Use Ash of War to distract her while you deal damage
Even if you’re under-leveled, repeat this process, and this menacing guard of the Caria Manor will be a piece of cake.
Rewards for Beating Royal Knight Loretta
When you beat Loretta, the player is rewarded with 10,000 runes, Loretta’s Greatbow, and the Ash of War Loretta’s Slash.
Loretta’s Greatbow is a spell that fires a projectile from a greatbow; it can be charged to deal further greater damage. 26 intelligence stat is required to cast this spell. It costs 30 stamina and 24 FP. Its damage can be further intensified with buffs.
Loretta’s Slash is a great Ash of War that can be applied to polearms and twin blades. It deals with two slashes dealing magic damage and scales from intelligence, a mage, or sorcerer’s dream.