After months of waiting, Bungie finally released new mods and removed old ones in the Destiny 2 Lightfall DLC. One of them is called “Harmonic Resistance,” a confusing mod; players struggle to understand what it is primarily used for, so this guide is dedicated to how you can utilize its full potential.
Harmonic Resistance Mod
Harmonic Resistance is a Chest Armour Mod that reduces incoming damage based on the subclass you are currently playing. This mod only costs you one energy to use it on the battlefield. It can help you spend your energy on other mods, giving you a slight leverage on the battlefield.

If your enemies rely on Void Damage to attack you, you can just equip this mod with Void subclass, and your incoming damage will be reduced, and it will only cost you one energy. On the other hand, if you were to use Void Resistance Mod, it would’ve cost you two energy. Another thing to keep in mind is that you can’t use this Mod in PVP; instead, you are only allowed to use it in PVE games.