Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is a game developed in 2015 that people are still playing and have progressed tremendously in the game but those who are looking to try it in 2023 may not be familiar with all aspects of the game. In this guide, we will tell you where can you check the Friendship Bar and what are the uses of it.
What Are The Uses of Friendships in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Managing friendships is optional, but it can be very helpful. They will provide you with items, nicknames titles, and stickers that you can show off when you face an actual opponent and it also increases the chance of them appearing during your fights to help you. One last important thing is that they teach you moves that you can later use in the fights.
Where is The Friendship Bar and How to Locate it
You can find your Friendship Progress with your mentors from the main menu, go to personal data, and then change pages until you find the mentors page, “you will find a gauge meter on the right side of each mentor’s entry.