Chest rotation is a mechanic of the game that informs the players about the arrival of their favorite skins, making a comeback to the game. This guide will cover the chest rotation as well as facilitate you with the list of skins present in every chest present in the game.
Brawlhalla: Skin List and Chest Rotation Guide 2023
The chest rotation has not changed since patch 5.0 on December 10th, 2020. Since then, all 21 chests come in the same order and the chest rotates every 48 hours. This cycle starts from Odin’s chest and ends on the Synthwave chest and this chest rotation cycle is shown in the picture down below.

These chests can be purchased from the in-game store Mallhalla with the cost of 100x Mammoth from which you can get two types of skins. One is Common/Normal/Regular Skins, and the second one is Exclusive Skins. The table below shows each skin that you can get from the corresponding chest.
Name Of Chest | Common Skins | Exclusive Skins |
Odin’s Chest | Cursed Gold Thatch Harbinger Orion King Roland Dark of Night Lucien Nightbalde Hattori Nightshade Ember Jurassic Gnash Lichlord Azoth Arcanium Ulgrim Demon Ogre Koji Wyrmslayer Diana Snake Goddess Nai Orc Raider Jhala Armored Kor | Forgeheart Teros Warchief Bodvar |
Wild Chest | Mecha Asuri Bear’dvar Jurassic Gnash Kitsune Hattori Deep One Azoth Ojiisan Koji Spec-Ops Lucien Mirage the Cleaner Iron Legion Mordex Snake Goddess Nai Scarecrow Nix Celestial Ragnir Wu Shang Kong Ready to Riot Teros Castaway Thatch | Meadow Guard Ember Lionheart Roland Fox Spirit Yumiko |
Elemental Chest | Iron Lady Artemis Nemesis Barraza Marauder Bodvar Dragon Heart Ember Cutting Edge Hattori Aurora Kaya Molten Kor Dunewalker Mordex Grim Reaper Nix Roland the Hooded First Edition Sentinel Djinn Wu Shang Gatekeeper Teros Arcanium Ulgrim Matsuri Yumiko | Stormlord Ada Inferno Ragnir Dust Devil Cassidy |
Revenant Chest | Darkheart Artemis Fortune Hunter Caspian Devil Cross Nightblade Hattori Shadow Ops Isaiah Shinigami Jiro Armored Kor Xianxia Lin Fei Plague Doctor Lucien Iron Legion Mordex Scarecrow Nix Ashen Ragnir Djinn Wu Shang Wasteland Vraxx | Outerworld Zariel Mirage Incarnate Wraith Barraza |
Exalted Chest | Technomancer Ada Necromancer Azoth Shark Heart Barraza Aesir-Forged Brynn Harlequin Caspian Dawnwalker Cassidy Section Zero Isaiah Huntress Kaya Ronin Koji Daomadan Lin Fei Spec-Ops Lucien Eliminator Nix Sobek Ragnir Nightwatch Sentinel Seeker Wu Shang | Silvermane Gnash Lionguard Diana Komainu Jiro |
Olympian Chest | Darkheart Artemis Swashbuckler Asuri Ancient Azoth Witchfire Brynn Fortune Hunter Caspian Dragon Heart Ember Chrometooth Gnash Kabuki Hattori Silver Age Jhala Shogun Koji Fangwild Kor Ragnarsaurus Rex Roland the Victorious Kraken Sidra Gatekeeper Teros | Chimera Val Athena Kaya Poseidon Thatch |
Forgeborne Chest | Mecha Asuri Necromancer Azoth Witchfire Brynn Shadowstalker Diana Dragon Heart Ember Chrometooth Gnash Cutting Edge Hattori Section Zero Isaiah Shogun Jiro Galaxy X Nai Dark Age Orion Nightshade Ragnir Sir Rayelot Steam Sentry Scarlet Mecha Teros | Infernal Cross Queen of Scales Jhala Stormsteel Sentinel |
Celestial Chest | Annihilator Azoth Devil Cross Cryptomage Diana Kabuki Hattori Celestial Mordex Empress Nai Kabuto Orion Celestial Ragnir Lion Rampant Roland Djinn Wu Shan Atlantean Syndra Hardsuit Val Dark Matter Vraxx Demon Ogre Xull Cursed Mask Yumiko | Seraph Artemis Emperor Koji The Korinthian |
Skysail Chest | Technomancer Ada Cat Burglar Asuri Sawed-Off Barraza Serape Kid Cassidy Boss Cross Wyrmslayer Diana Nightblade Hattori Ronin Koji Vive la Revolucien Hand of Horus Mirage Celestial Ragnir Wu Shang Kong Mecha Teros Cursed Gold Thatch Dark Matter Vraxx | Corsair Orion Airship Scarlet Sky Scourge Azoth |
Ragnarok Chest | Iron Lady Artemis Lichlord Azoth Cyber Bodvar Volsung Brynn Nightcap Caspian Ember the Hunter Pteranodon Gnash Kabuki Hattori Ojiisan Koji Hand of Horus Mirage Lockdown Nix Orion For Hire Sobek Ragnir Perfect Wu Shang Kunoichi Val | Fenrir Mordex Nidhogg Nai Jotun Ulgrim |
Royal Order Chest | Eclipse Artemis Nightcap Caspian Dawnwalker Cassidy Boss Cross Ember the Hunter Kitsune Hattori Snow Stalker Kaya Tengu Koji Vive la Revolucien Hand of Horus Mirage North Wind Mordex Tomb Tamber Nai Orion For Hire Steam Tank Scarlet Wasteland Vraxx | Madame Yumiko Admiral Isaiah Gentleman Wu Shang |
Outlaw Chest | Wasteland Ada Serape Kid Cassidy Double Cross Ember the Hunter Ronin Koji Plague Doctor Lucien Grim Reaper Nix Ragnirsaurus Rex Roland the Victorious Steamsmith Scarlet Gumshoe Sentinel Perfect Wu Shang Pirate Queen Sidra Arctic Trapper Xull Lil’ Yumiko | Aces High Caspian Sidewinder Hattori Badlands Asuri |
Sunken Chest | Swashbuckler Asuri Deep One Azoth Marauder Bodvar Cinderguard Brynn Devil Cross Grovewarden Ember Orc Raider Jhala Molten Kor Tomb Tamber Nai Orion for Hire Match Point Roland Steam Tank Scarlet Castaway Thatch Star Merc Val Supreme Ruler Vraxx | Atlantean Ada Dreadnought Lucien Dark Depth Ragnir |
Ancient Chest | Awakened Asuri Lichlord Azoth Fallen Brynn Bitten Diana Kitsune Hattori Warlord Jhala Demon Ogre Koji Molten Kor Plague Doctor Lucien Orion for Hire Dark Age Orion Lion Rampant Roland Rift Dweller Teros Dark Matter Vraxx Wu Shang the Breaker | White Fang Gnash Fangwild Fawn Ember Winged Serpent Nai |
Dragon’s Chest | Lynx Asuri Bear’dvar Volsung Brynn Warlord Jhala Shogun Koji Armored Kor Undying Mirage Grim Reaper Nix Kabuto Orion Ashen Ragnir King Roland Rift Dweller Teros Goblin Thatch Dragonport Ulgrim Perfect Wu Shang | Elven Ranger Diana Lord Sentinel Dragonslayer Val |
Forbidden Chest | Darkheart Artemis Awakened Asuri Ancient Azoth Dawnwalker Cassidy Bitten Diana Grovewarden Ember Nightblade Hattori Demon Ogre Koji Dark of Night Lucien Undying Mirage North Wind Mordex Ashen Ragnir Cursed Gold Thatch Wu Shang the Breaker Cursed Mask Yumiko | Draugr Bodvar Harpy Brynn Shadowlord Cross |
Sandstorm Chest | Fatal Error Ada Awakened Asuri Marauder Bodvar Fallen Brynn Nightshade Ember Cutting Edge Hattori Tengu Koji Celestial Mordex Galaxy X Nai Grim Reaper Nix Harbinger Orion Nightshade Ragnir Steam Sentry Scarlet Nightwatch Sentinel Shark Attack Thatch | Anubis Mirage God King Teros Amun-Raza |
Imperial Chest | DJ Ada Lynx Asuri Annihilator Azoth Cinderguard Brynn Bitten Diana Nightshade Ember Pteranodon Gnash Empress Nai Roland the Hooded Steamsmith Scarlet High Impact Sentinel Seeker Wu Shang Ready to Riot Teros Kunoichi Val | Death Adder Hattori Warrior Spirit Kor Yakuza Koji |
Cosmic Chest | Wasteland Ada Annihilator Azoth Nemesis Barraza Cyber Bodvar Aesir-Forged Brynn Space Race Cassidy Shadowstalker Diana Cutting Edge Hattori Silver Age Jhala Kor Wrecking LLC Harbinger Orion Mecha Ragnir Steam Sentry Scarlet High Impact Sentinel Hardsuit Val | General Vraxx Apex Predator Asuri Infinite Wu Shang |
Brawl City Chest | DJ Ada Darkheart Artemis Cat Burglar Asuri All City Caspian Cupcake Cassidy Kill Thrill Hattori Kor in Space Bullet Diver Lucien Freestyle Mirage Mecha Ragnir President Sentinel Ready to Riot Teros Biker Thatch Dark Matter Vraxx Tokyo Yumiko | Nix Couture New School Jhala Crossfade Orion |
Synthwave Chest | DJ Ada Street Race Artemis Annihilator Azoth Bödvar-mania All City Caspian Cryptomage Diana Star Guardian Ember Kill Thrill Hattori Task Force Isaiah Jiro the Specialist Street Samurai Koji Freestyle Mirage Match Point Roland Wasteland Vraxx Urban Guardian Zariel | Overdrive Lucien Queen Beat Sidra Mad Dog Mordex |