Selling cars in Need For Speed Heat not only allows you to earn a decent amount of money but also clears space in your garage to make room for new cars. The process of selling cars is straightforward, requiring only a few steps. However, some players may find it confusing. In this guide, we will teach you how to sell cars in Need For Speed Heat, so be sure to follow along until the end.
How to Sell Cars in Need For Speed Heat:
To sell a car, the first thing you need to do is to navigate to the Showcase menu and then toggle to your own garage.

After toggling to your own garage, all you simply need to do is select the desired vehicle you want to sell, as the option to sell the car will now be available. Keep in mind, though, that the sell option is only accessible when you are in your own garage.

That’s pretty much it. I hope you found this guide helpful. Please let us know if you want to learn anything else regarding Need For Speed Heat.